为什么esp8266/esp32 wifi接入app显示设备离线-Arduino中文社区 - Powered by Discuz!





楼主: 奈何col

[已解答] 为什么esp8266/esp32 wifi接入app显示设备离线

发表于 2021-7-4 19:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 一一之情 于 2021-7-4 19:21 编辑

[381782] _disFreshTime: 381782
[381782] _disconnectCount: 12
[384219] Connecting to MQTT...
[384219] reconnect_time: 3
[384219] Connection failed
[384219] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds...
[386782] _disFreshTime: 386782
[386782] _disconnectCount: 12
[389220] Connecting to MQTT...
[389220] reconnect_time: 4
[389220] Connection failed
[389220] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds...
[391782] _disFreshTime: 391782
[391782] _disconnectCount: 12
[394221] Connecting to MQTT...
[394221] reconnect_time: 5
[394221] Connection failed
[394221] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds...
[394222] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts
[396148] [HTTP] GET... code: 200
[396150] reply was:
[396150] ==============================
[396150] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397342572^14d24b17215a9fd", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000}
[396174] ==============================
[396179] _num: 5
[396180] ====================
[396195] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000
[396200] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397342572^14d24b17215a9fd
[396205] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun
[396207] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com
[396212] PORT: 1883
[396214] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com
[396219] PORT: 1883
[396221] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254
[396225] ====================
[396241] Freeheap: 213444
[396245] _reRegister_times2: 0
[396246] Connecting to MQTT...
[396249] reconnect_time: 0
[396251] Connection failed
[396254] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds...
[396782] _disFreshTime: 396782
[396782] _disconnectCount: 12
[401258] Connecting to MQTT...
[401258] reconnect_time: 1
[401258] Connection failed
[401258] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds...
[401782] _disFreshTime: 401782
[401782] _disconnectCount: 12
发表于 2021-7-4 19:19 | 显示全部楼层
[381782] _disFreshTime: 381782 [381782] _disconnectCount: 12 [384219] Connecting to MQTT...  [384219] reconnect_time: 3 [384219] Connection failed [384219] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [386782] _disFreshTime: 386782 [386782] _disconnectCount: 12 [389220] Connecting to MQTT...  [389220] reconnect_time: 4 [389220] Connection failed [389220] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [391782] _disFreshTime: 391782 [391782] _disconnectCount: 12 [394221] Connecting to MQTT...  [394221] reconnect_time: 5 [394221] Connection failed [394221] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [394222] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts [396148] [HTTP] GET... code: 200 [396150] reply was: [396150] ============================== [396150] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397342572^14d24b17215a9fd", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000} [396174] ============================== [396179] _num: 5 [396180] ==================== [396182] DEVICE_NAME_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [396187] MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz [396191] MQTT_ID_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [396195] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000 [396200] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397342572^14d24b17215a9fd [396205] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun [396207] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [396212] PORT: 1883 [396214] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [396219] PORT: 1883 [396221] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254 [396225] ==================== [396228] BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/s [396234] BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/r [396241] Freeheap: 213444 [396245] _reRegister_times2: 0 [396246] Connecting to MQTT...  [396249] reconnect_time: 0 [396251] Connection failed [396254] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [396782] _disFreshTime: 396782 [396782] _disconnectCount: 12 [401258] Connecting to MQTT...  [401258] reconnect_time: 1 [401258] Connection failed [401258] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [401782] _disFreshTime: 401782 [401782] _disconnectCount: 12 [406259] Connecting to MQTT...  [406259] reconnect_time: 2 [406259] Connection failed [406259] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [406782] _disFreshTime: 406782 [406782] _disconnectCount: 12 [411260] Connecting to MQTT...  [411260] reconnect_time: 3 [411260] Connection failed [411260] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [411782] _disFreshTime: 411782 [411782] _disconnectCount: 12 [416261] Connecting to MQTT...  [416261] reconnect_time: 4 [416261] Connection failed [416261] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [416782] _disFreshTime: 416782 [416782] _disconnectCount: 12 [421262] Connecting to MQTT...  [421262] reconnect_time: 5 [421262] Connection failed [421262] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [421263] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts [423384] [HTTP] GET... code: 200 [423386] reply was: [423387] ============================== [423387] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397369676^e8b358c67646a64", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000} [423410] ============================== [423415] _num: 5 [423416] ==================== [423418] DEVICE_NAME_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [423423] MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz [423427] MQTT_ID_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [423431] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000 [423436] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397369676^e8b358c67646a64 [423441] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun [423443] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [423448] PORT: 1883 [423450] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [423456] PORT: 1883 [423457] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254 [423461] ==================== [423464] BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/s [423470] BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/r [423477] Freeheap: 213444 [423481] _reRegister_times2: 0 [423482] Connecting to MQTT...  [423485] reconnect_time: 0 [423487] Connection failed [423490] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [423494] _disFreshTime: 423494 [423497] _disconnectCount: 12 [428494] Connecting to MQTT...  [428494] reconnect_time: 1 [428494] Connection failed [428494] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [428495] _disFreshTime: 428495 [428497] _disconnectCount: 12 [433495] Connecting to MQTT...  [433495] reconnect_time: 2 [433495] Connection failed [433495] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [433496] _disFreshTime: 433496 [433498] _disconnectCount: 12 [438496] Connecting to MQTT...  [438496] reconnect_time: 3 [438496] Connection failed [438496] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [438497] _disFreshTime: 438497 [438499] _disconnectCount: 12 [443497] Connecting to MQTT...  [443497] reconnect_time: 4 [443497] Connection failed [443497] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [443498] _disFreshTime: 443498 [443500] _disconnectCount: 12 [448498] Connecting to MQTT...  [448498] reconnect_time: 5 [448498] Connection failed [448498] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [448499] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts [450422] [HTTP] GET... code: 200 [450424] reply was: [450424] ============================== [450425] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397396903^6f9de0be9b8f470", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000} [450448] ============================== [450453] _num: 5 [450454] ==================== [450456] DEVICE_NAME_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [450461] MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz [450465] MQTT_ID_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [450469] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000 [450474] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397396903^6f9de0be9b8f470 [450479] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun [450481] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [450486] PORT: 1883 [450488] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [450493] PORT: 1883 [450495] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254 [450499] ==================== [450502] BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/s [450508] BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/r [450515] Freeheap: 213452 [450519] _reRegister_times2: 0 [450520] _disFreshTime: 450520 [450523] _disconnectCount: 12 [450525] Connecting to MQTT...  [450528] reconnect_time: 0 [450531] Connection failed [450533] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [455520] _disFreshTime: 455520 [455520] _disconnectCount: 12 [455537] Connecting to MQTT...  [455537] reconnect_time: 1 [455537] Connection failed [455537] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [460520] _disFreshTime: 460520 [460520] _disconnectCount: 12 [460538] Connecting to MQTT...  [460538] reconnect_time: 2 [460538] Connection failed [460538] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [465520] _disFreshTime: 465520 [465520] _disconnectCount: 12 [465539] Connecting to MQTT...  [465539] reconnect_time: 3 [465539] Connection failed [465539] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [470520] _disFreshTime: 470520 [470520] _disconnectCount: 12 [470540] Connecting to MQTT...  [470540] reconnect_time: 4 [470540] Connection failed [470540] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [475520] _disFreshTime: 475520 [475520] _disconnectCount: 12 [475541] Connecting to MQTT...  [475541] reconnect_time: 5 [475541] Connection failed [475541] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [475542] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts [477658] [HTTP] GET... code: 200 [477660] reply was: [477660] ============================== [477661] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397423957^258dca1f601636e", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000} [477684] ============================== [477689] _num: 5 [477690] ==================== [477692] DEVICE_NAME_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [477697] MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz [477701] MQTT_ID_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [477705] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000 [477710] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397423957^258dca1f601636e [477715] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun [477717] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [477722] PORT: 1883 [477724] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [477729] PORT: 1883 [477731] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254 [477735] ==================== [477738] BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/s [477744] BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/r [477751] Freeheap: 213448 [477755] _reRegister_times2: 0 [477756] Connecting to MQTT...  [477759] reconnect_time: 0 [477761] Connection failed [477764] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [480520] _disFreshTime: 480520 [480520] _disconnectCount: 12 [482768] Connecting to MQTT...  [482768] reconnect_time: 1 [482768] Connection failed [482768] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [485520] _disFreshTime: 485520 [485520] _disconnectCount: 12 [487769] Connecting to MQTT...  [487769] reconnect_time: 2 [487769] Connection failed [487769] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [490520] _disFreshTime: 490520 [490520] _disconnectCount: 12 [492770] Connecting to MQTT...  [492770] reconnect_time: 3 [492770] Connection failed [492770] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [495520] _disFreshTime: 495520 [495520] _disconnectCount: 12 [497771] Connecting to MQTT...  [497771] reconnect_time: 4 [497771] Connection failed [497771] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [500520] _disFreshTime: 500520 [500520] _disconnectCount: 12 [502772] Connecting to MQTT...  [502772] reconnect_time: 5 [502772] Connection failed [502772] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [502773] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts [504897] [HTTP] GET... code: 200 [504899] reply was: [504899] ============================== [504900] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397451205^c3d58005b1ee462", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000} [504923] ============================== [504928] _num: 5 [504929] ==================== [504931] DEVICE_NAME_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [504936] MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz [504940] MQTT_ID_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [504944] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000 [504949] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397451205^c3d58005b1ee462 [504954] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun [504956] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [504961] PORT: 1883 [504963] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [504968] PORT: 1883 [504970] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254 [504974] ==================== [504977] BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/s [504983] BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/r [504990] Freeheap: 213452 [504994] _reRegister_times2: 0 [504995] Connecting to MQTT...  [504998] reconnect_time: 0 [505000] Connection failed [505003] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [505520] _disFreshTime: 505520 [505520] _disconnectCount: 12 [510007] Connecting to MQTT...  [510007] reconnect_time: 1 [510007] Connection failed [510007] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [510520] _disFreshTime: 510520 [510520] _disconnectCount: 12 [515008] Connecting to MQTT...  [515008] reconnect_time: 2 [515008] Connection failed [515008] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [515520] _disFreshTime: 515520 [515520] _disconnectCount: 12 [520009] Connecting to MQTT...  [520009] reconnect_time: 3 [520009] Connection failed [520009] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [520520] _disFreshTime: 520520 [520520] _disconnectCount: 12 [525010] Connecting to MQTT...  [525010] reconnect_time: 4 [525010] Connection failed [525010] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [525520] _disFreshTime: 525520 [525520] _disconnectCount: 12 [530011] Connecting to MQTT...  [530011] reconnect_time: 5 [530011] Connection failed [530011] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [530012] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts [532134] [HTTP] GET... code: 200 [532136] reply was: [532137] ============================== [532137] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397478448^112b83850b868d7", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000} [532160] ============================== [532165] _num: 5 [532166] ==================== [532168] DEVICE_NAME_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [532173] MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz [532177] MQTT_ID_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [532181] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000 [532186] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397478448^112b83850b868d7 [532191] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun [532193] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [532198] PORT: 1883 [532200] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [532205] PORT: 1883 [532207] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254 [532211] ==================== [532214] BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/s [532220] BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/r [532227] Freeheap: 213452 [532231] _reRegister_times2: 0 [532232] _disFreshTime: 532232 [532235] _disconnectCount: 12 [532237] Connecting to MQTT...  [532240] reconnect_time: 0 [532243] Connection failed [532245] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [537232] _disFreshTime: 537232 [537232] _disconnectCount: 12 [537249] Connecting to MQTT...  [537249] reconnect_time: 1 [537249] Connection failed [537249] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [542232] _disFreshTime: 542232 [542232] _disconnectCount: 12 [542250] Connecting to MQTT...  [542250] reconnect_time: 2 [542250] Connection failed [542250] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [547232] _disFreshTime: 547232 [547232] _disconnectCount: 12 [547251] Connecting to MQTT...  [547251] reconnect_time: 3 [547251] Connection failed [547251] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [552232] _disFreshTime: 552232 [552232] _disconnectCount: 12 [552252] Connecting to MQTT...  [552252] reconnect_time: 4 [552252] Connection failed [552252] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [557232] _disFreshTime: 557232 [557232] _disconnectCount: 12 [557253] Connecting to MQTT...  [557253] reconnect_time: 5 [557253] Connection failed [557253] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [557254] HTTPS begin: https://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=5ee5477d180f&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtts [559174] [HTTP] GET... code: 200 [559176] reply was: [559176] ============================== [559177] {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN", "host": "mqtts://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000", "iotToken": "^1^1625397505658^b8e42016ba97970", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "37828dc4dbc111eba8885254"}, "message": 1000} [559200] ============================== [559205] _num: 5 [559206] ==================== [559208] DEVICE_NAME_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [559213] MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz [559217] MQTT_ID_MQTT: B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN [559221] MQTT_NAME_MQTT: Y3JkVkN2Fo7DaohmD070000000 [559226] MQTT_KEY_MQTT: ^1^1625397505658^b8e42016ba97970 [559231] MQTT_BROKER: aliyun [559233] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [559238] PORT: 1883 [559240] HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com [559245] PORT: 1883 [559247] UUID_MQTT: 37828dc4dbc111eba8885254 [559251] ==================== [559254] BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/s [559260] BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/B0BEE344C710LCQ16XD4FAEN/r [559267] Freeheap: 213452 [559271] _reRegister_times2: 0 [559272] Connecting to MQTT...  [559275] reconnect_time: 0 [559277] Connection failed [559280] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [562232] _disFreshTime: 562232 [562232] _disconnectCount: 12 [564284] Connecting to MQTT...  [564284] reconnect_time: 1 [564284] Connection failed [564284] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [567232] _disFreshTime: 567232 [567232] _disconnectCount: 12 [569285] Connecting to MQTT...  [569285] reconnect_time: 2 [569285] Connection failed [569285] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [572232] _disFreshTime: 572232 [572232] _disconnectCount: 12 [574286] Connecting to MQTT...  [574286] reconnect_time: 3 [574286] Connection failed [574286] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [577232] _disFreshTime: 577232 [577232] _disconnectCount: 12 [579287] Connecting to MQTT...  [579287] reconnect_time: 4 [579287] Connection failed [579287] Retrying MQTT connection in 5 seconds... [582232] _disFreshTime: 582232 [582232] _disconnectCount: 12 [584288] Connecting to MQTT...  [584288] reconnect_time: 5 [584288] Connection failed

发表于 2021-7-13 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
[5949] WiFi Connected.
[5949] IP Address:
[7950] [HTTP] begin: https://iotdev.clz.me/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=777a07ca9f55
[13006] [HTTP] GET... code: 502
[13011] reply was:
[13011] ==============================
[13012] ==============================
[13012] ERROR: Maybe you have put in the wrong AuthKey!
[13015] ERROR: Or maybe your request is too frequently!
[13020] ERROR: Or maybe your network is disconnected!

发表于 2021-7-14 08:58 | 显示全部楼层
sanana 发表于 2021-7-13 20:45
[5949] WiFi Connected.
[5949] IP Address:

发表于 2021-8-2 10:15 | 显示全部楼层
调用这两个函数#define BLINKER_WIFI #define BLINKER_MQTT loop()函数中还得加入Blinker.run()这个函数才能显示在线 不知道为什么,单我试了可以在线了


Blinker.run是必须存在的,建议先过一遍教程  详情 回复 发表于 2021-8-2 10:16
 楼主| 发表于 2021-8-2 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
xiaomadema 发表于 2021-8-2 10:15
调用这两个函数#define BLINKER_WIFI #define BLINKER_MQTT loop()函数中还得加入Blinker.run()这个函 ...

发表于 2021-8-6 18:41 | 显示全部楼层


8266/32都不能连接5G网络,这是硬件层面的限制和软件无关  详情 回复 发表于 2021-8-6 19:14
 楼主| 发表于 2021-8-6 19:14 | 显示全部楼层
18743800177 发表于 2021-8-6 18:41

发表于 2021-8-9 09:05 | 显示全部楼层
如果你用手机开热点的话 请检查以下你的热点是不是2.4G网络  ,现在手机很多默认开启5G网络
发表于 2021-10-6 18:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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