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发表于 2019-3-29 11:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 哪有那么简单 于 2019-3-29 11:52 编辑

GettingStarted with uArm v1.1

Before assembling the uArm, youshould first install the ArduinoIntegrated Development Environment (Arduino IDE) software on your computer for programming and uploading code to youruArm Uduino board. It is best to program your uArm Uduino (Arduino Unocompatible) board BEFORE powering on your uArm for the first time!
1.    Download the Arduino Software (Arduino IDE) Get the latest version from the Arduinowebsite located here: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

If using Windows, there is aconvenient Windows Installer program that youmay download. Alternatively, you may manually installusing the ZIP file.    For Mac OS X and Linux, download the appropriate ZIPfile and unzip the downloaded files into an appropriate folder.  Make sure to preserve the folder structureof the ZIP file! You can double-click the un-zipped folderto open it and see that there should be a few files and sub-folders.

2.     Installthe FTDI Drivers
The UFactory supplied Uduino is an UNO compatible Arduino board. Thereis an Integrated Circuit (IC) chip on the board for converting USB signals to the neededserial UART signals used bythe microprocessor. This chip is theFT232RL from a company called FTDI. You willfirst need to install the FTDI Drivers beforeyou can program the Uduinoboard.

You can see more details about how to installthe FTDI Drivers from Sparkfun at: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ftdi-drivers/all
Follow theinstructions and install the FTDI Drivers.

3.     Installthe uArm Control Library
Download the latest uArm control librarysoftware from our website here: http://www.ufactory.cc/downloads.html
Follow the instructions on the Arduino websiteto import the library into the Arduino IDE :

4.     Connectthe Uduino Board
Connect the Uduino board to your computer usingthe USB cable supplied with your kit and without connecting the 5 volt powercable.

5.     Openthe RemoteControl Example Sketch
Programs that you import to the ArduinoIDE are called “sketches”. Open the Arduino IDE on your computerand go to the RemoteControl example sketch:File > Examples > UF_uArm > RemoteControl (or File> Sketchbook > Libraries > UF_uArm > RemoteControl).

6.     Selectyour Board
From the Arduino IDE, Click on Tools > Board > Arduino Uno toselect the “Arduino UNO” board at the top of the list as the target foruploading.

7.     Selectyour Serial Port
Select the serial device of the Uduino board from the Tools >Serial Port menu. This islikely to be COM3 or higher (COM1 and COM2 are usuallyreserved for hardwareserial ports). To check whichport, you can disconnect your USB cable from the board and reopen the menu; theentry that disappears should be the Uduino board. Reconnect the USB cable andselect that serial port from the list.

8.     Uploadthe Sketch
Now, simply click the “Upload” buttonin the IDE (on the left of the menu bar, the button with an arrow pointing tothe right). Wait a few seconds – you should see the RX and TX LEDs on the boardflashing. If the upload is successful, the message "Done uploading."will appear in the status bar. The code remains in the Uduino, even with poweroff. There is no need to re-load the code each time you use your uArm.
9.    Assemble uArm
If your uArm did not come completely assembled,you should now fully assemble it before you attemptto power it on. Followthe uArm AssemblyInstructions to assemble your uArm: http://www.ufactory.cc/downloads/documents/uArm_Assembly_Instructions_v1.0.1.pdf

Very Important Note: Makesure that you assemble the servos into their right positions according to step34 & step 35 in "uArm Assembly Instructions".
Here is a helpful video for showing how toproperly align the arms for attaching to the servos:
10.     Calibration
You will need to calibrate your uArm after you assemble it and power it on for the firsttime. Makesure that you have uploadedthe RemoteControl examplesketch (code) to Uduino before attempting to do calibration.

Connect the powersupply to the uArm shieldboard (NOT directly to the Uduino board).If you haven’t already done a calibration (such as the first time you power the uArm), you should hear threeshort “beeps” and the uArm shoulder servos will be “free” (not engaged). However, the base rotation and hand servos- as well as pump controls - will be working. If you hear a continuous tone,then the Uduino is not programmed properly.Remove power and check that steps 1-8 were followed correctly.

Please watch the following video to see how to do a proper Calibration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X46RiD8BOyE
To calibrate the uArm, press Button D7 for 3 seconds. After twobeeps, you should be able to easily move the arm forward, backward, up, anddown.
Press the B10 and B11 partsof the uArm totheir furthest extent, and then press and pull the end-effector andextend it to its maximum position.
Press Button D7 once and move your hand out of the way. The uArm willfinish its Calibration and go back to its zero position.
Note: Aftercalibrating correctly, make sure all the servos are reaching their correct
“home” positions, and are not“locked” (refuse to move). You can push on the arm to test, if the servos arenot locked in position you will be able to move the arm. If a servo is locked(stuck) it will soon overheat and may be damaged. Disconnect the power cordimmediately! Watch for smoke and the smell of hot insulation!

11.     Run Your uArm with the Mouse Control for Windows
After a successful calibration, you can run your uArm by using our MouseControl for Windows application. And, of course,you can also write your own application directly by using the Arduino IDE with theuArm library.
Download the Mouse Control application forWindows here: http://www.ufactory.cc/downloads/applications/MouseControl_V1.0.5.exe
Connect the Uduino board to your computer using the USB cable. Connectthe power supply to the uArm shield. (NOTE: Do not connect the power supplydirectly to the Uduino board).

Open MouseControl.exe to start theapplication. Choose the serial port of the Uduino.
Click “Start” button tocontrol the uArm with a mouse.
Note: If the uArm doesn’t work (allthe blue LEDs turn off after clicking the “Start” button), press the Uduinoreset button (locatedon the Arduino board just to the leftof the USB port when looking at the back of the uArm). The board will reset and theuArm will be able to communicate with the MouseControl software.
Thefollowing are the mouse mappings for controllingthe uArm:
Mouse Action
uArm Action
Move Mouse Around
Moves uArm Around
Scroll Mouse Wheel
uArm moves Up and Down
Click Left Button once
Grips (suction on)
Double Click Left Button
Releases (suction off)
Hold  Right Button, and
Scroll Mouse Wheel
Rotates End-effector

Please be careful, and make sure you have attached the servos in theircorrect positions according to step 34 & step 35 in "uArm AssemblyInstructions". And also make sure you havedone the Calibration step properly. Ifthe servos get hot, turn off the power immediately! If you still have any questions or run into any problemsduring the Getting Startedperiod, please send us an email at feedback@ufactory.cc, and we will try our bestto help you. And if you also want topurchase new servos or other spare parts. Youcan send us an email at sales@ufactory.cc , all these parts will be available soon on ouronline store here: http://store.ufactory.cc/

发表于 2019-8-31 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2020-11-3 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
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