AP3216C 模块的核心就是这个芯片本身。这颗芯片集成了光强传感器(ALS:AmbientLight Sensor),接近传感器(PS: Proximity Sensor),还有一个红外LED(IR LED)。这个芯片设计的用途是给手机之类的使用,比如:返回当前环境光强以便调整屏幕亮度;用户接听电话时,将手机放置在耳边后,自动关闭屏幕避免用户误触碰。 可能是因为模块接线非常简单,我在网上找不到模块的电路图,只能用芯片的DataSheet对照进行查看。 从上到下分别是 : VLED | IR LED的供电,IR LED 电流最高为 20ma。使用 3.3v给模块和IR LED 同时供电时,在IR LED 上串联了一个200欧姆的电阻,这样保证电流不会超过20ma。 | | | | 模块供电,特别注意:最高 3.6V,对于 Arduino 来说,只能选择 3.3V供电输出 | | | | | | 中断输出,可以通知 Arduino有数据。对于轮询,无需使用。 |
参考【参考1】, 可以使用的代码如下: // Interfacing the AP3216 light / proximity sensor withArduino UNO // By RoboRemo // Big thanks to ICStation for providing the AP3216 sensor //http://www.icstation.com/ap3216-ambient-light-sensorals-proximity-sensorps-p-7958.html // Command examples: // "write 0x00 0x01\n" - will write value 0x01 tothe register 0x00 // "read 0x0C\n" - will read the value fromregister 0x0C // "als start\n" - will start streaming the valuefrom the ALS (ambient light sensor) // "ps start\n" - will start streaming the valuefrom the PS (proximity sensor) // "stop\n" - will stop streaming the ALS / PSdata. // Commands can be sent using Serial Monitor / Terminal, // Or using the RoboRemo app from Google Play. // RoboRemo app can also display a nice plot of the ALS / PSdata, // and also log to a file on the sdcard of the phone. // Hardware wiring: // Arduino AP3216 // VLED--, // GND ------- GND |R| 240 Ohm // 3.3V ------ VCC ---' // A5 -------- SCL // A4 -------- SDA long baud = 115200; #include <Wire.h> char cmd[100]; int cmdIndex; bool als_on = false; bool ps_on = false; boolean cmdStartsWith(const char *st) { // checks if cmdstarts with st for(int i=0; ; i++){ if(st==0)return true; if(cmd==0)return false; if(cmd!=st)return false;; } return false; } int hexCharToInt(char c) { if(c>='a') return(c-'a')+10; if(c>='A') return(c-'A')+10; return c-'0'; } String hexByteToString(int val) { char digits[] ={'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8','9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E','F'}; char a =digits[(val/16) %16]; char b =digits[val%16]; return (String)"" + a + b; } void alsStart() { AP3216_write(0x00,0x01); als_on = true; } void alsPsStop() { als_on = false; ps_on = false; AP3216_write(0x00,0x00); } void psStart() { AP3216_write(0x00,0x02); ps_on = true; } void AP3216_write(int regAddress, int value) { Wire.beginTransmission(0x1E); // I2C Address of AP3216 sensor is 0x1E Wire.write(regAddress); Wire.write(value); Wire.endTransmission(); } int AP3216_read(int regAddress) { Wire.beginTransmission(0x1E); // I2C Address of AP3216 sensor is 0x1E Wire.write(regAddress); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(0x1E, 1, true); return Wire.read()& 0xFF; } void exeCmd() { if(cmdStartsWith("read 0x") ) { // example: read 0x1A int a =hexCharToInt(cmd[7]); // '1' -> 1 int b =hexCharToInt(cmd[8]); // 'A' -> 10 int regAddress =(a*16)+b; // 0x1A = 26 int regValue =AP3216_read(regAddress); Serial.print((String)"reg_0x"); Serial.print(hexByteToString(regAddress) ); Serial.print(" = "); Serial.print(hexByteToString(regValue) ); Serial.print("\n"); } if(cmdStartsWith("write 0x") ) { // example: write 0x1A 0x55 int a =hexCharToInt(cmd[8]); // '1' -> 1 int b =hexCharToInt(cmd[9]); // 'A' -> 10 int regAddress =(a*16)+b; // 0x1A = 26 a =hexCharToInt(cmd[13]); b =hexCharToInt(cmd[14]); int regValue =(a*16)+b; AP3216_write(regAddress, regValue); Serial.print((String)"reg_0x"); Serial.print(hexByteToString(regAddress) ); Serial.print(" <- "); Serial.print(hexByteToString(regValue) ); Serial.print("\n"); } if(cmdStartsWith("als start") ) { alsStart(); } if(cmdStartsWith("stop") ) { alsPsStop(); } if(cmdStartsWith("ps start") ) { psStart(); } } void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(baud); cmdIndex = 0; } void loop() { while(Serial.available() ) { char c =Serial.read(); if(c=='\n' ||c=='\r') { cmd[cmdIndex] =0; // end cmd string with 0 exeCmd(); // execute the command cmdIndex = 0; //reset the cmdIndex } else { cmd[cmdIndex] =c; // append c to the cmd string if(cmdIndex<99) cmdIndex++; } } if(als_on) { int a =AP3216_read(0x0D); // ALS Data HIGH Byte int b =AP3216_read(0x0C); // ALS Data LOW Byte long alsValue = a; alsValue =alsValue << 8; alsValue =alsValue + b; Serial.print("als "); Serial.print(alsValue); Serial.print("\n"); delay(100); } if(ps_on) { int a =AP3216_read(0x0F) & 0b00111111; // PS Data HIGH 6 bits int b =AP3216_read(0x0E) & 0b00001111; // PS Data LOW 4 bits long psValue = (a<< 4) + b; Serial.print("ps "); Serial.print(psValue); Serial.print("\n"); delay(13); } } 使用方法: 串口输入 als start 获取当前的光强 串口输入 ps start获得当前接近传感器的数值 串口输入 stop 停止输出 目前这个模块没有成熟的库供使用,上述代码只是实现一个大概的功能,如果应用在产品上,还需要根据需求对照DataSheet进行详细的调试。 参考: