合宙ESP32C3使用TFT_eSPI库操作Eink 1.54寸屏幕-Arduino中文社区 - Powered by Discuz!





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合宙ESP32C3使用TFT_eSPI库操作Eink 1.54寸屏幕

发表于 2022-8-20 23:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 topdog 于 2022-8-25 00:51 编辑

合宙ESP32C3使用TFT_eSPI库操作Eink 1.54寸屏幕。主要介绍实现示例TFT_eSPI\examples\ePaper\Floyd_Steinberg的步骤:

[pre]Eink    ESP32C3
VCC     3.3V
RES     GPIO10
DC      GPIO6
CS      GPIO7
BUSY    GPIO8[/pre]

//#include <User_Setup.h>           // Default setup is root library folder
#include <User_Setups/Setup17_ePaper.h>            // Setup file for ESP8266 and any Waveshare ePaper display[/pre]

//      Display       GPIO   esp32c3 pin
#define BUSY_PIN        8
#define RST_PIN         10
#define DC_PIN          6
#define CS_PIN          7[/pre]

[pre]#include   <epd1in54.h>                  // Screen specific library

Epd ePaper;                             // Create an instance ePaper

#include <TFT_eSPI.h>                   // Graphics library and Sprite class

TFT_eSPI      glc = TFT_eSPI();         // Invoke the graphics library class
TFT_eSprite frame = TFT_eSprite(&glc);  // Invoke the Sprite class for the image frame buffer

#define INK    COLORED                  // Black ink
#define PAPER  UNCOLORED                // 'paper' background colour

uint16_t epd_width  = EPD_WIDTH;        // Set the initial values, these are swapped
uint16_t epd_height = EPD_HEIGHT;       // in different landscape/portrait rotations
                                        // so call frame.width() or frame.height() to get new values

#define EPD_BUFFER 1                    // Label for the black frame buffer 1

uint8_t* framePtr = NULL;               // Pointer for the black frame buffer
uint8_t* redFramePtr = NULL;            // Pointer for the red frame buffer

#include "EPD_Support.h"                // Include sketch EPD support functions last!

int8_t limit = 5;                      // Limit the number of loops before halting
// Setup
void setup() {
  SPI.begin( 2,    -1,    3,   7);   // SPI.begin( SCL(CLK,)    MISO,    SDA(MOSI,)   CS);  

  Serial.begin(250000); // Used for messages

  // Initialise the ePaper library
  if (ePaper.Init() != 0) {
    Serial.print("ePaper init failed");
    while (1) yield(); // Wait here until re-boot
  Serial.println("\r\n ePaper initialisation OK");

  // Initialise the SPIFFS filing system
  if (!SPIFFS.begin()) {
    Serial.println("SPIFFS initialisation failed!");
    while (1) yield(); // Stay here twiddling thumbs

  Serial.println(" SPIFFS initialisation OK");

  frame.setColorDepth(1); // Must set the bits per pixel to 1 for ePaper displays
                          // Set bit depth BEFORE creating Sprite, default is 16!

  // Create a frame buffer in RAM of defined size and save the pointer to it
  // RAM needed is about (EPD_WIDTH * EPD_HEIGHT)/8 , ~5000 bytes for 200 x 200 pixels
  // Note: always create the Sprite before setting the Sprite rotation
  framePtr = (uint8_t*) frame.createSprite(EPD_WIDTH, EPD_HEIGHT, 2);      // Create sprite with 2 frame buffers
  redFramePtr = (uint8_t*) frame.frameBuffer(2);                           // Pointer to frame buffer 2

  // Clear the two frame buffers

  Serial.println("\r\nInitialisation done.");

  listFiles();  // List all the files in the SPIFFS

// Loop
void loop() {
  // Select frame buffer 1 for the graphics
  frame.frameBuffer(2);     // Select red frame
  frame.fillSprite(PAPER);  // Fill frame with white
  frame.frameBuffer(1);     // Select black frame
  frame.fillSprite(PAPER);  // Fill frame with white

  frame.setRotation(random(4)); // Set the rotation to 0, 1, 2 or 3 ( 1 & 3 = landscape)

  // Draw 8 bit grey-scale bitmap using Floyd-Steinberg dithering at x,y
  //           /File name      x  y
  //drawFSBmp("/TestCard.bmp", 0, 0); // 176 x 264 pixels

  drawFSBmp("/Tiger.bmp", (frame.width()-176)/2, (frame.height()-234)/2); // 176 x 234 pixels

  updateDisplay();  // Send image to display and refresh


  frame.fillSprite(PAPER);  // Fill frame with white

  // Draw circle in frame buffer (x, y, r, color) in center of screen
  frame.drawCircle(frame.width()/2, frame.height()/2, frame.width()/5, INK);

  // Draw diagonal lines
  frame.drawLine(0 ,                0, frame.width()-1, frame.height()-1, INK);
  frame.drawLine(0 , frame.height()-1, frame.width()-1,                0, INK);

  frame.fillCircle(frame.width()/2, frame.height()/2, frame.width()/6, PAPER); // Clear black area for red circle
  frame.fillCircle(frame.width()/2, frame.height()/2, frame.width()/6, INK); // Draw red circle

  updateDisplay();  // Send image to display and refresh


  // Run a rotation test

  // Put screen to sleep to save power (if wanted)

  if (--limit <= 0) while(1) yield(); // Wait here

  delay(20000); // Wait here for 20s

  // Wake up ePaper display so we can talk to it
  Serial.println("Waking up!");

} // end of loop()

// setRotation() actually rotates the drawing coordinates, not the whole display frame
// buffer so we can use this to draw text at right angles or upside down
void rotateTest(void)
  //frame.fillSprite(PAPER);             // Fill buffer with white to clear old graphics

  // Draw some text in frame buffer
  frame.setTextFont(4);                  // Select font 4
  frame.setTextColor(INK);               // Set colour to ink
  frame.setTextDatum(TC_DATUM);          // Middle centre text datum

  frame.setRotation(0);                  // Set the display rotation to 0, 1, 2 or 3 ( 1 & 3 = landscape)
  epd_width  = frame.width();            // Get the values for the current rotation
  epd_height = frame.height();           // epd_height is not used in this sketch

  frame.drawString("Rotation 0",   epd_width / 2, 10);

  frame.setRotation(1);                  // Set the display rotation to 1
  epd_width  = frame.width();            // Get the values for the current rotation
  epd_height = frame.height();           // epd_height is not used in this sketch

  frame.drawString("Rotation 1",   epd_width / 2, 10);

  frame.setRotation(2);                  // Set the display rotation to 2
  epd_width  = frame.width();            // Get the values for the current rotation
  epd_height = frame.height();           // epd_height is not used in this sketch

  frame.drawString("Rotation 2",   epd_width / 2, 10);

  frame.setRotation(3);                  // Set the display rotation to 3
  epd_width  = frame.width();            // Get the values for the current rotation
  epd_height = frame.height();           // epd_height is not used in this sketch

  frame.drawString("Rotation 3",   epd_width / 2, 10);

  Serial.println("Updating display");
  updateDisplay();  // Update display

6,这个示例需要使用SPIFFS,全称为:SPI Flash Filing System 她的作用就是利用闪存存储代码甚至是文件。在此简单介绍一下流程:



(3) 编译之前,先要选择高亮位置对闪存预定的分配进行分区,然后点击tool-->ESP32 Sketch Data Upload操作

(4) 之前最好全片擦除一下,再把data文件夹里面的老虎图片spiffs格式上传到闪存上去。





 楼主| 发表于 2022-8-27 00:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-8-26 08:34 | 显示全部楼层
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