使用点灯的官方例程Hello WiFi,上电连接路由器之后一直报错,但是连接手机热点就是正常工作的的,改过路由器加密方式,关了ipv6访问都不行。测试过电脑上访问那个http后面的网址是正常的。大佬们帮忙看一下是什么问题呢?
09:15:04.346 -> __ __ __
09:15:04.346 -> /\ \ /\ \ __ /\ \ v0.3.9
09:15:04.346 -> \ \ \___ \ \ \ /\_\ ___\ \ \/'\ __ _ __
09:15:04.346 -> \ \ '__`\\ \ \ \/\ \ /' _ `\ \ , < /'__`\/\`'__\
09:15:04.346 -> \ \ \L\ \\ \ \_\ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \\`\ /\ __/\ \ \./
09:15:04.393 -> \ \_,__/ \ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\\ \_\
09:15:04.393 -> \/___/ \/__/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/ \/_/
09:15:04.393 -> To better use blinker with your IoT project!
09:15:04.393 -> Download latest blinker library here!
09:15:04.393 -> => https://github.com/blinker-iot/blinker-library
09:15:04.393 ->
09:15:04.393 -> [104] _aliType:
09:15:04.393 -> [105] _duerType:
09:15:04.393 -> [107] _miType:
09:15:04.393 -> [108] _authKey: befceb00be09
09:15:04.393 -> [111] Connecting to Connect this
09:15:04.393 -> [116] ESP8266_MQTT initialized...
09:15:04.393 -> [117]
09:15:04.393 -> ===========================================================
09:15:04.393 -> ================== Blinker Timer loaded! ==================
09:15:04.440 -> EEPROM address 1536-2431 is used for Blinker Timer!
09:15:04.440 -> ========= PLEASE AVOID USING THESE EEPROM ADDRESS! ========
09:15:04.440 -> ===========================================================
09:15:04.440 ->
09:15:04.440 -> [145] countdown state: false
09:15:04.440 -> [146] _cdRunState: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [148] _totalTime: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [150] _runTime: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [151] _action:
09:15:04.440 -> [154] loop state: false
09:15:04.440 -> [155] _lpRunState: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [157] _times: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [159] _tri_times: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [160] _time1: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [162] _action1:
09:15:04.440 -> [163] _time2: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [165] _action2:
09:15:04.440 -> [166] _lpData: 0
09:15:04.440 -> [168] checkNum count: 1
09:19:25.900 -> [261613] WiFi Connected.
09:19:25.900 -> [261613] IP Address:
09:19:25.900 -> [261613]
09:19:25.900 -> [261624] [HTTP] begin: http://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=befceb00be09&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtt
09:19:25.900 -> [261625] [HTTP] GET... failed, error: connection failed
09:19:25.900 -> [261629]
09:19:25.947 -> [261630] reply was:
09:19:25.947 -> [261631] ==============================
09:19:25.947 -> [261635]
09:19:25.947 -> [261636] ==============================
09:19:25.947 -> [261640] ERROR: Maybe you have put in the wrong AuthKey!
09:19:25.947 -> [261644] ERROR: Or maybe your request is too frequently!
09:19:25.947 -> [261649] ERROR: Or maybe your network is disconnected!
09:19:35.930 -> [271625] [HTTP] begin: http://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=befceb00be09&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtt
09:19:35.930 -> [271626] [HTTP] GET... failed, error: connection failed
09:19:35.930 -> [271630]
09:19:35.930 -> [271631] reply was:
09:19:35.930 -> [271632] ==============================
09:19:35.930 -> [271636]
09:19:35.930 -> [271637] ==============================
09:19:35.930 -> [271641] ERROR: Maybe you have put in the wrong AuthKey!
09:19:35.930 -> [271645] ERROR: Or maybe your request is too frequently!
09:19:35.930 -> [271651] ERROR: Or maybe your network is disconnected!
09:19:45.907 -> [281629] [HTTP] begin: http://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=befceb00be09&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtt
09:19:45.907 -> [281630] [HTTP] GET... failed, error: connection failed
09:19:45.907 -> [281634]
09:19:45.946 -> [281635] reply was:
09:19:45.946 -> [281637] ==============================
09:19:45.946 -> [281640]
09:19:45.946 -> [281641] ==============================
09:19:45.946 -> [281645] ERROR: Maybe you have put in the wrong AuthKey!
09:19:45.946 -> [281650] ERROR: Or maybe your request is too frequently!
09:19:45.946 -> [281655] ERROR: Or maybe your network is disconnected!
09:20:45.918 -> [341646] [HTTP] begin: http://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=befceb00be09&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtt
09:20:45.918 -> [341647] [HTTP] GET... failed, error: connection failed
09:20:45.965 -> [341651]
09:20:45.965 -> [341652] reply was:
09:20:45.965 -> [341654] ==============================