本帖最后由 z01228 于 2021-9-17 13:23 编辑
使用 RSSI 与 HC05 模块和 Arduino 进行室内定位的源代码
(16.9 KB, 下载次数: 9)
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
- #include <time.h>
- //Define Pins
- #define RxD 11 //Receive Serial pin
- #define TxD 10 //Transmit Serial pin
- SoftwareSerial bt(RxD, TxD) ;
- //Define for Data
- char btData;
- String splitString(String str, String devider, int arrayNumber);
- String deviceAddress;
- String deviceClass;
- String deviceRSSI;
- String message;
- bool RSSIVisible = true;
- String atQuestEnd = "?\r\n";
- String atSetEnd = "\r\n";
- String atStart = "AT+";
- String Initialize = "INIT";
- String accesCode = "IAC=9E8B33";
- String deviceType = "CLASS=0";
- String searchRSSI = "INQM=1,1,20";
- //INQM=<Par1>,<Par2>,<Par3> Par1: 0--inquiry mode standard/1--inquiry mode rssi
- // Par2: Numero max di device Bluetooth che rispondono
- // Par3: Tempo (1-48 : 1.28s to 61.44s)
- String receiveRSSI = "INQ";
- String roleIsMaster = "ROLE=1";
- String roleIsSlave = "ROLE=0";
- float n;
- #define BTkey 9
- void ATCmdSetup() {
- bt.listen();
- bt.print(atStart + Initialize + atSetEnd); //initialize device
- bt.print(atStart + accesCode + atSetEnd); //defines the accesCode this device shares with the others
- bt.print(atStart + deviceType + atSetEnd); //defines device type
- bt.print(atStart + searchRSSI + atSetEnd); //Search Bluetooth with RSSI value
- }
- void filterCode() {
- if (message.substring(0, 5) == "+INQ:") {
- deviceAddress = splitString(message, ",", 0).substring(5);
- deviceClass = splitString(message, ",", 1);
- deviceRSSI = splitString(message, ",", 2);
- }
- message = "";
- }
- String splitString(String str, String devider, int arrayNumber) {
- int previousDevider = 0;
- int deviders = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
- if (str.substring(i, i + devider.length()) == devider) {
- deviders++;
- }
- }
- int devideCounter = 0;
- String devidedString[deviders + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
- if (str.substring(i, i + devider.length()) == devider) {
- if (devideCounter) {
- devidedString[devideCounter] = str.substring(devidedString[devideCounter - 1].length() + 1, i);
- } else {
- devidedString[0] = str.substring(0, i);
- }
- devideCounter++;
- previousDevider = i + devider.length();
- }
- }
- devidedString[devideCounter] = str.substring(previousDevider, str.length());
- if (arrayNumber > deviders) {
- return "ERROR; array number not found. Array number is to big.";
- } else {
- return devidedString[arrayNumber];
- }
- }
- //Funzione che converte un numero esadecimale in decimale
- unsigned int hexToDec(String hexString) {
- unsigned int decValue = 0;
- int nextInt;
- for (int i = 0; i < hexString.length() - 2; i++) {
- nextInt = int(hexString.charAt(i));
- if (nextInt >= 48 && nextInt <= 57)
- nextInt = map(nextInt, 48, 57, 0, 9);
- if (nextInt >= 65 && nextInt <= 70)
- nextInt = map(nextInt, 65, 70, 10, 15);
- if (nextInt >= 97 && nextInt <= 102)
- nextInt = map(nextInt, 97, 102, 10, 15);
- nextInt = constrain(nextInt, 0, 15);
- decValue = (decValue * 16) + nextInt;
- }
- return decValue;
- }
- //Funzione per il calcolo della distanza
- void distanceRSSI() {
- float tempo;
- float rssi_dbm; //RSSI scansionato
- float rssi_ref = -61; // RSSI ad 1 metro di distanza
- float distanza; //Variabile usata per memorizzare i valori della distanza di ogni singolo beacon rispetto al nodo target
- if (deviceAddress == "98D3:36:80EF77") {
- rssi_dbm = hexToDec(deviceRSSI) - 65535; //complemento a due per determinare il valore RSSI in dBm
- Serial.print(rssi_dbm);
- Serial.print(" ");
- n = (rssi_ref - rssi_dbm) / (10 * 1.73);
- //Calcolo della distanza
- distanza = (100) * (pow(10, n));
- Serial.print(distanza);
- tempo = millis();
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.println(tempo / 1000);
- }
- }
- void setup() {
- // define pin modes for tx, rx:
- pinMode(RxD, INPUT);
- pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT);
- // Switch module to AT mode
- pinMode(BTkey, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(BTkey, HIGH);
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // Start the software serial - baud rate for AT mode is 38400
- bt.begin(38400); // HC-05 default speed in AT command mode
- ATCmdSetup();
- Serial.flush();
- }
- void loop() {
- // Keep reading from the HC-05 and send to the Arduino Serial Monitor
- if (bt.available()) {
- btData = bt.read();
- message.concat(btData); // la concatenazione avviene in 0,654 secondi
- if (btData == '\n') {
- bt.print(atStart + receiveRSSI + atSetEnd);
- filterCode();
- if (RSSIVisible) {
- distanceRSSI();
- }
- }
- }
- }