使用M5Stack内置的BMM150制作一个指南针-Arduino中文社区 - Powered by Discuz!





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发表于 2020-2-11 19:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vany5921 于 2020-2-11 21:07 编辑

   1. https://appelsiini.net/2018/calibrate-magnetometer/
   2. https://x-io.co.uk/open-source-imu-and-ahrs-algorithms/
[mw_shl_code=arduino,true]#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <M5Stack.h>
// libraries
#include "bmm150.h"
#include "bmm150_defs.h"

BMM150 bmm = BMM150();
bmm150_mag_data value_offset;
float lineX = 0;
float lineY = 0;
float media_valori_dir_[50];
float dir_media_ = 0;

int count = 0;
float headingDegrees = 0;

void setup()
  // Initialize the M5Stack object
    Power chip connected to gpio21, gpio22, I2C device
    Set battery charging voltage and current
    If used battery, please call this function in your project

  M5.Lcd.setTextColor(GREEN , BLACK);

  if (bmm.initialize() == BMM150_E_ID_NOT_CONFORM) {
    Serial.println("Chip ID can not read!");
    while (1);
  } else {
    Serial.println("Initialize done!");

  Serial.println("Start figure-8 calibration after 3 seconds.");
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 20);
  M5.Lcd.printf("Start figure-8 calibration after 3 seconds.");
  Serial.print("\n\rCalibrate done..");
  M5.Lcd.fillCircle(160, 120, 80, TFT_WHITE);


   @brief Do figure-8 calibration for a limited time to get offset values of x/y/z axis.
   @param timeout - seconds of calibration period.
void calibrate(uint32_t timeout)
  int16_t value_x_min = 0;
  int16_t value_x_max = 0;
  int16_t value_y_min = 0;
  int16_t value_y_max = 0;
  int16_t value_z_min = 0;
  int16_t value_z_max = 0;
  uint32_t timeStart = 0;

  value_x_min = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datax;
  value_x_max = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datax;
  value_y_min = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datay;
  value_y_max = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datay;
  value_z_min = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_dataz;
  value_z_max = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_dataz;

  timeStart = millis();

  while ((millis() - timeStart) < timeout)

    /* Update x-Axis max/min value */
    if (value_x_min > bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datax)
      value_x_min = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datax;
      // Serial.print("Update value_x_min: ");
      // Serial.println(value_x_min);

    else if (value_x_max < bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datax)
      value_x_max = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datax;
      // Serial.print("update value_x_max: ");
      // Serial.println(value_x_max);

    /* Update y-Axis max/min value */
    if (value_y_min > bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datay)
      value_y_min = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datay;
      // Serial.print("Update value_y_min: ");
      // Serial.println(value_y_min);

    else if (value_y_max < bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datay)
      value_y_max = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datay;
      // Serial.print("update value_y_max: ");
      // Serial.println(value_y_max);

    /* Update z-Axis max/min value */
    if (value_z_min > bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_dataz)
      value_z_min = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_dataz;
      // Serial.print("Update value_z_min: ");
      // Serial.println(value_z_min);

    else if (value_z_max < bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_dataz)
      value_z_max = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_dataz;
      // Serial.print("update value_z_max: ");
      // Serial.println(value_z_max);



  value_offset.x = value_x_min + (value_x_max - value_x_min) / 2;
  value_offset.y = value_y_min + (value_y_max - value_y_min) / 2;
  value_offset.z = value_z_min + (value_z_max - value_z_min) / 2;


void loop()
{ //M5.Lcd.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 240, TFT_WHITE);

  if (headingDegrees > 0 && headingDegrees < 90) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 - (80 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (80 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((headingDegrees + 13) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((headingDegrees + 13) * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((headingDegrees - 13) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((headingDegrees - 13) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 - (70 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (70 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 - (70 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_WHITE);

  if (headingDegrees > 90 && headingDegrees < 180) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 - (80 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (80 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((180 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos((180 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((180 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos((180 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 + (70 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (70 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 + (70 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_WHITE);

  if (headingDegrees > 180 && headingDegrees < 270) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 + (80 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (80 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin(((headingDegrees + 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos(((headingDegrees + 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin(((headingDegrees - 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos(((headingDegrees - 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 + (70 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (70 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 + (70 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_WHITE);

  if (headingDegrees > 270 && headingDegrees < 360) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 + (80 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (80 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin((360 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((360 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin((360 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((360 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 - (70 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (70 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_WHITE);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 - (70 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_WHITE);

  bmm150_mag_data value;

  value.x = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datax - value_offset.x;
  value.y = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_datay - value_offset.y;
  value.z = bmm.raw_mag_data.raw_dataz - value_offset.z;

  lineX = dir_media_;
  lineY = value.y;
  float xyHeading = atan2(value.x, value.y);
  float zxHeading = atan2(value.z, value.x);
  float heading = xyHeading;

  if (heading < 0)
    heading += 2 * PI;
  if (heading > 2 * PI)
    heading -= 2 * PI;
  headingDegrees = heading * 180 / M_PI;
  float xyHeadingDegrees = xyHeading * 180 / M_PI;
  float zxHeadingDegrees = zxHeading * 180 / M_PI;

  Serial.print("Heading: ");
  M5.Lcd.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK);
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 15);
  M5.Lcd.printf("Heading: ");
  M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160, 112, 145, 127, 175, 127, TFT_RED);
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(156, 40);
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(156, 187);
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(80, 115);
  M5.Lcd.setCursor(231, 115);

  if (headingDegrees > 0 && headingDegrees < 90) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 - (80 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (80 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((headingDegrees + 13) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((headingDegrees + 13) * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((headingDegrees - 13) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((headingDegrees - 13) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 - (70 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (70 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 - (70 * cos(headingDegrees * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_RED);

  if (headingDegrees > 90 && headingDegrees < 180) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 - (80 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (80 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((180 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos((180 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 160 - (66.68 * sin((180 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos((180 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 + (70 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (70 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 - (70 * sin((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 + (70 * cos((180 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_RED);

  if (headingDegrees > 180 && headingDegrees < 270) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 + (80 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (80 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin(((headingDegrees + 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos(((headingDegrees + 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin(((headingDegrees - 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (66.68 * cos(((headingDegrees - 13) - 180) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 + (70 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 120 + (70 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 + (70 * cos((headingDegrees - 180) * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_RED);

  if (headingDegrees > 270 && headingDegrees < 360) {
    M5.Lcd.fillTriangle(160 + (80 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (80 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin((360 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((360 - (headingDegrees + 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 160 + (66.68 * sin((360 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (66.68 * cos((360 - (headingDegrees - 13)) * 0.0174532925)), TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) - 1, 120 - (70 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160-1, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 120 - (70 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160, 120, TFT_RED);
      M5.Lcd.drawLine(160 + (70 * sin((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)) + 1, 120 - (70 * cos((360 - headingDegrees) * 0.0174532925)), 160+1, 120, TFT_RED);



  if (count >= 29) count = 29;

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