不知道程序怎么写 是关于模数转换的程序 急!!!-Arduino中文社区 - Powered by Discuz!





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[过期] 不知道程序怎么写 是关于模数转换的程序 急!!!

发表于 2014-2-16 05:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这是一个要交的作业,之前是英文, 我翻译过来了,不过我还是不确定所以把中英文都放上来。 并且附加了大概的程序结构。 求大神帮我完成下。感激不尽!!!

1.编写一个程序来测量的模拟电压PC0(ADC0), 使用带有参考电压的ADC外部设备选择模拟电源。使用一个电压源并用ADC0的直流电压记录20个输入电压在0到5伏的测量值。  使用万用表或者示波器来测量实际输入电压V(input). 提供一个表格,表格里包括输入电压的测量值,包括ADC的预期输入电压V(input),记录ADC的值(一个10进制的无符号整数)和记录的ADC电压值得呈现。[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)]

1.Write a program to measure the analog voltage on PC0(ADC0) pin using the ADC peripheral
with VREF selected to be AVCC. Using a voltage source apply a DC voltage to ADC0 record
measurements at 20 di erent input voltages between 0 and 5 volts. Use a multimeter or O-
scope to measure the actual input voltage, Vin. Provide a table that includes measured voltage
Vin, expected ADC value for Vin, recorded ADC value (a 10-bit unsigned integer) and voltage
the recorded ADC value represents.

从这开始是程序结构, 希望大家帮我填完。
  Example program
- basic super-loop structure.
- additional timing control, allowing you to call functions once per loop or at a
perscribed rate (e.g. 1kHz, 100Hz, 10Hz 1Hz).
- Makes use of timer0 to generate an ISR every msec.

// Includes
#include <stdint.h>
#include "myRegDefs.h"
#include "myTimer.h"


// global variables

* Entry point for the program                                                                                       从这开始就可以填写了。
int main() {

  uint32_t loopCount = 0;

  // must call library init function for register setup related to Arduino library support

  // Initialize the timer0 peripheral to generate our timebase used for control flow

  // Write a message to the serial port once after we power up
  sprintf((char *)message, "Start of program\n");
  Serial.write((char *)message);

  // Endless loop
    // List of stuff that run everytime around the loop

    // Functions that run once per msec
    if (run1kHzFunctions())

    // Functions that run once per 10 msec
    if (run100HzFunctions())

    // Functions that run once per 100 msec
    if (run10HzFunctions())

    // Functions that run once per second
    if (run1HzFunctions())
      // run-time debug message
      sprintf((char *)message, "LoopCount = %u\n", loopCount);
      Serial.write((char *)message);
      loopCount = 0;
  } // while(1) loop
  return 0;

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