一、 准备工作 1、 Arduino UNO
2、 LM35线性温度传感模块
3、 12864LCD模块
二、 搭线 总体图:
1) CS——8 //片选 低有效 2) RST——9 //给芯片复位,低有效,如果不需软件给芯片复位,可不连接 3) A0——10 //数据和命令选择,L 命令 H 数据 4) CLK——13 //时钟 5) MOSI——11 //数据 6) VCC——5V 7) GND——GND //电源接线 8) LED——背光选择 //低有效 LM35连接示意图:
三、 代码调试
[mw_shl_code=c,true]#include "U8glib.h"
U8GLIB_MINI12864 u8g(13, 11, 8, 10, 9); //SPI Com: SCK = 13, MOSI = 11, CS = 8, A0 = 10 ,RST=9;
int potPin = 4;
float temperature = 0;
long val=0;
void draw(char * text) {
u8g.drawStr( 0, 33, text);
void setup(void) {
if ( u8g.getMode() == U8G_MODE_R3G3B2 )
else if ( u8g.getMode() == U8G_MODE_GRAY2BIT )
else if ( u8g.getMode() == U8G_MODE_BW )
char * floatToString(char * outstr, float value, int places, int minwidth=0, bool rightjustify=false) {
// this is used to write a float value to string, outstr. oustr is also the return value.
int digit;
float tens = 0.1;
int tenscount = 0;
int i;
float tempfloat = value;
int c = 0;
int charcount = 1;
int extra = 0;
// make sure we round properly. this could use pow from <math.h>, but doesn't seem worth the import
// if this rounding step isn't here, the value 54.321 prints as 54.3209
// calculate rounding term d: 0.5/pow(10,places)
float d = 0.5;
if (value < 0)
d *= -1.0;
// divide by ten for each decimal place
for (i = 0; i < places; i++)
d/= 10.0;
// this small addition, combined with truncation will round our values properly
tempfloat += d;
// first get value tens to be the large power of ten less than value
if (value < 0)
tempfloat *= -1.0;
while ((tens * 10.0) <= tempfloat) {
tens *= 10.0;
tenscount += 1;
if (tenscount > 0)
charcount += tenscount;
charcount += 1;
if (value < 0)
charcount += 1;
charcount += 1 + places;
minwidth += 1; // both count the null final character
if (minwidth > charcount){
extra = minwidth - charcount;
charcount = minwidth;
if (extra > 0 and rightjustify) {
for (int i = 0; i< extra; i++) {
outstr[c++] = ' ';
// write out the negative if needed
if (value < 0)
outstr[c++] = '-';
if (tenscount == 0)
outstr[c++] = '0';
for (i=0; i< tenscount; i++) {
digit = (int) (tempfloat/tens);
itoa(digit, &outstr[c++], 10);
tempfloat = tempfloat - ((float)digit * tens);
tens /= 10.0;
// if no places after decimal, stop now and return
// otherwise, write the point and continue on
if (places > 0)
outstr[c++] = '.';
// now write out each decimal place by shifting digits one by one into the ones place and writing the truncated value
for (i = 0; i < places; i++) {
tempfloat *= 10.0;
digit = (int) tempfloat;
itoa(digit, &outstr[c++], 10);
// once written, subtract off that digit
tempfloat = tempfloat - (float) digit;
if (extra > 0 and not rightjustify) {
for (int i = 0; i< extra; i++) {
outstr[c++] = ' ';
outstr[c++] = '\0';
return outstr;
void loop(void) {
temperature = (val*0.0048828125*100);
Serial.print("Tep= ");
Serial.println(" C");
char buffer[25];
do {
draw(floatToString(buffer, temperature , 2));
} while( u8g.nextPage() );