本帖最后由 csxqwe 于 2022-5-18 17:29 编辑
- /** 基于ESP32
- * SD卡模块
- * SDA/SS 5
- * SCK 18
- * MOSI 23
- * MISO 19
- * GND
- * 5V
- *
- * TFT模块
- * VCC 3.3
- * #define TFT_MISO 19
- * #define TFT_MOSI 23
- * #define TFT_SCLK 18
- * #define TFT_CS 15 // Chip select control pin
- * #define TFT_DC 2 // Data Command control pin
- * #define TFT_RST 4 // Reset pin (could connect to RST pin)
- *
- * PAJ7620
- * IIC_SCL 22
- * IIC_SDA 21
- * VCC 3.3
- * GND
- */
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include <FS.h>
- #include <SD.h>
- #include <TFT_eSPI.h>
- #include <WiFi.h>
- #include <WiFiClient.h>
- #include <WebServer.h>
- #include <ESPmDNS.h>
- #include <EEPROM.h>//数据保存库
- #include <NTPClient.h> //NTP库
- #include <HTTPClient.h> //HTTP库
- #include <WiFiUdp.h>
- // JPEG decoder library
- #include <JPEGDecoder.h>
- /*天气API*/
- #include <ArduinoJson.h>//使用JSON-v5版的库
- /*PAJ7620*/
- #include <Wire.h>
- #include "html.h"//网页文件
- #include "MyFont.h"
- #include "As.h"
- #include "I2Cdev.h"
- #include "MPU6050.h"
- TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();
- const char* ssid = "CMCC-EGLJ"; //Replace youself wifi ssid
- const char* password = "8a1zljzb"; //Replace youself wifi password
- WiFiUDP ntpUDP;
- NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "ntp.aliyun.com"); // NTP获取时间
- WebServer server(80);//相册用
- WiFiClient client;//创建一个网络对象 获取天气用
- int tft_num = 0;//相册计数器
- int flag_finsh = 0;
- bool upload_flag = false;//文件上传
- char* now_wea;
- int tm_Hour,tm_Minute,monthDay,tm_Month;
- String weekDay;
- char* week;
- String weekDays[7]={"周日", "周一", "周二","周三", "周四", "周五", "周六"};
- String weekEnglish[7] = {"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"};
- String months[12]={"January", "February", "March", "April","May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
- File fsUploadFile;//创建网页文件指针
- /*mpu6050*/
- /*定义主要的姿态*/
- #define Forward 1
- #define Backward 2
- #define Right 3
- #define Left 4
- #define GES_REACTION_TIME 500 // You can adjust the reaction time according to the actual circumstance.
- #define GES_ENTRY_TIME 800 // When you want to recognize the Forward/Backward gestures, your gestures' reaction time must less than GES_ENTRY_TIME(0.8s).
- #define GES_QUIT_TIME 1000
- uint8_t flag_page = 100;//确定页面标志位
- int flag_pic = 0;//确定照片标志位
- uint32_t t=0;//超时标志位
- bool flag = 1;//确定加载标志位
- int16_t ax, ay, az;
- int16_t gx, gy, gz;
- MPU6050 accelgyro;
- SPIClass sdSPI(VSPI);
- #define SD_MISO 13
- #define SD_MOSI 15
- #define SD_SCLK 17
- #define SD_CS 14
- /*******************时间界面显示****************/
- void showtext(int16_t x,int16_t y,uint8_t font,uint8_t s,uint16_t fg,uint16_t bg,const String str)
- {
- //设置文本显示坐标,和文本的字体,默认以左上角为参考点,
- tft.setCursor(x, y, font);
- // 设置文本颜色为白色,文本背景黑色
- tft.setTextColor(fg,bg);
- //设置文本大小,文本大小的范围是1-7的整数
- tft.setTextSize(s);
- // 设置显示的文字,注意这里有个换行符 \n 产生的效果
- tft.println(str);
- }
- /*******************单个汉字显示****************/
- void showMyFont(int32_t x, int32_t y, const char c[3], uint32_t color) {
- for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++)// 根据字库的字数调节循环的次数
- if (hanzi[k].Index[0] == c[0] && hanzi[k].Index[1] == c[1] && hanzi[k].Index[2] == c[2])
- { tft.drawBitmap(x, y, hanzi[k].hz_Id, hanzi[k].hz_width, 16, color);
- }
- }
- /*******************整句汉字显示****************/
- void showMyFonts(int32_t x, int32_t y, const char str[], uint32_t color) { //显示整句汉字,字库比较简单,上下、左右输出是在函数内实现
- int x0 = x;
- for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str); i += 3) {
- showMyFont(x0, y, str+i, color);
- x0 += 17;
- }
- }
- void show_time(uint16_t fg,uint16_t bg,const uint16_t* image[], String currentTime, String currentDate, int tm_Year,const char* week)
- {
- uint8_t i=0;
- //tft.fillRect(10, 55, 64, 64, bg);
- tft.setSwapBytes(true); //使图片颜色由RGB->BGR
- tft.pushImage(10, 55, 64, 64, image);
- delay(100);
- i+=1;
- if(i>8){i=0;}
- tft.drawFastHLine(10, 53, 108, tft.alphaBlend(0, bg, fg));
- showtext(15,5,2,3,fg,bg,currentTime);
- showtext(75,60,1,2,fg,bg, String(tm_Year));
- showtext(75,80,1,2,fg,bg, currentDate);
- showMyFonts(80, 100, week, TFT_YELLOW);
- }
- void display_time()
- {
- timeClient.update();
- String formattedTime = timeClient.getFormattedTime();
- int tm_Hour = timeClient.getHours();
- int tm_Minute = timeClient.getMinutes();
- int tm_Second = timeClient.getSeconds();
- String weekDay = weekDays[timeClient.getDay()];
- unsigned long epochTime = timeClient.getEpochTime();
- char week[weekDay.length() + 1];
- weekDay.toCharArray(week,weekDay.length() + 1);
- struct tm *ptm = gmtime ((time_t *)&epochTime);
- int monthDay = ptm->tm_mday;
- int tm_Month = ptm->tm_mon+1;
- String currentMonthName = months[tm_Month-1];
- int tm_Year = ptm->tm_year+1900;
- String currentDate = String(tm_Month) + "/" + String(monthDay);
- String currentTime, hour, minute;
- if (tm_Hour < 10)
- hour = "0" + String(tm_Hour);
- else
- hour = String(tm_Hour);
- if (tm_Minute < 10)
- minute = "0" + String(tm_Minute);
- else
- minute = String(tm_Minute);
- currentTime = hour + ":" + minute;
- tft.setSwapBytes(true);
- show_time(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK, Astronaut, currentTime, currentDate, tm_Year, week); // 显示时间界面
- delay(500);
- display_time();
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // MPU6050传感器扫描
- //####################################################################################################
- void mpu_update(int interval)
- {
- int16_t last_update_time;
- accelgyro.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
- if (millis() - last_update_time > interval)
- {
- if (ay > 3000 && flag)
- {
- flag_page--;
- flag = 0;
- }
- else if (ay < -3000 && flag)
- {
- flag_page++;
- flag = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- flag = 1;
- }
- last_update_time = millis();
- }
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // web服务初始化
- //####################################################################################################
- void WEB_setup(){
- server.on("/", HTTP_GET, handleRoot);//发送开始获取
- //把上传的数据保存到spiffs
- server.on("/", HTTP_POST,[](){uplaodFinish();}, handleFileUpload);//下载文件
- //访问的url没有在找spiffs中找到回复404
- server.onNotFound([](){if(!handleFileRead(server.uri()))server.send(404, "text/plain", "FileNotFound");});
- server.begin();//网络服务开启
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // SD初始化
- //####################################################################################################
- void SD_setup(){
- if (!SD.begin(SD_CS, sdSPI))
- {
- Serial.println("存储卡挂载失败");
- return;
- }
- uint8_t cardType = SD.cardType();
- if (cardType == CARD_NONE)
- {
- Serial.println("未连接存储卡");
- return;
- }
- else if (cardType == CARD_MMC)
- {
- Serial.println("挂载了MMC卡");
- }
- else if (cardType == CARD_SD)
- {
- Serial.println("挂载了SDSC卡");
- }
- else if (cardType == CARD_SDHC)
- {
- Serial.println("挂载了SDHC卡");
- }
- else
- {
- Serial.println("挂载了未知存储卡");
- }
- //打印存储卡信息
- Serial.printf("存储卡总大小是: %lluMB \n", SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024)); // "/ (1024 * 1024)"可以换成">> 20"
- Serial.printf("文件系统总大小是: %lluB \n", SD.totalBytes());
- Serial.printf("文件系统已用大小是: %lluB \n", SD.usedBytes());
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // TFT初始化
- //####################################################################################################
- void TFT_setup(){
- tft.init(); //初始化显示寄存器
- tft.fillScreen(TFT_WHITE); //屏幕颜色
- tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK); //设置字体颜色黑色
- tft.setCursor(15, 100, 1); //设置文字开始坐标(15,30)及1号字体
- tft.setTextSize(1);
- //tft.setRotation(4);//屏幕内容镜像显示或者旋转屏幕0-4 ST7735_Rotation中设置
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // WIFI初始化
- //####################################################################################################
- void WIFI_setup(){
- WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
- WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
- // Wait for connection
- uint8_t i = 0;
- uint8_t wifi_image_num = 1;
- while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && i++ < 50) {//wait 25 seconds
- Serial.print(".");
- delay(500);
- }
- tft.fillScreen(TFT_WHITE);
- tft.println("Connecting Wifi...");
- tft.setSwapBytes(true); //使图片颜色由RGB->BGR
- while(wifi_image_num<=5)
- {
- drawSdJpeg(wifi_image_num, 0, 0, 5); // This draws a jpeg pulled off the SD Card
- wifi_image_num=wifi_image_num+1;
- }
- if (i == 51) {
- Serial.print("Could not connect to");
- Serial.println(ssid);
- while (1) {
- delay(500);
- }
- }
- Serial.print("Connected! IP address: ");
- drawSdJpeg(6, 0, 0, 5);
- Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());//输出IP地址
- tft.setCursor(20, 100, 1); //设置文字开始坐标(20,30)及1号字体
- tft.setTextSize(1);
- tft.println("WiFi Connected!");
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // mpu6050初始化
- //####################################################################################################
- void mpu6050_setup(){
- #define LED_PIN 13
- Wire.begin();
- Serial.begin(115200);
- Serial.println("Initializing I2C devices...");
- accelgyro.initialize();
- Serial.println("Testing device connections...");
- Serial.println(accelgyro.testConnection() ? "MPU6050 connection successful" : "MPU6050 connection failed");
- pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 天气获取并显示
- //####################################################################################################
- void weather_api(){//天气API获取
- if(client.connect("api.seniverse.com",80)==1)//连接服务器并判断是否连接成功,若成功就发送GET 请求数据下发
- { //换成你自己在心知天气申请的私钥//改成你所在城市的拼音
- //client.print("GET /v3/weather/now.json?key=*********&location=beijing&language=zh-Hans&unit=c HTTP/1.1\r\n"); //心知天气的URL格式
- client.print("GET /v3/weather/daily.json?key=SnVROk4GLlocDZ1UQ&location=chengdu&language=zh-Hans&unit=c&start=0&days=5 HTTP/1.1\r\n"); //心知天气的三天天气URL格式
- client.print("Host:api.seniverse.com\r\n");
- client.print("Accept-Language:zh-cn\r\n");
- client.print("Connection:close\r\n\r\n"); //向心知天气的服务器发送请求。
- String status_code = client.readStringUntil('\r'); //读取GET数据,服务器返回的状态码,若成功则返回状态码200
- //Serial.println(status_code);
- /*
- * {"results":
- * [
- * {"location":
- * {"id":"WX4FBXXFKE4F","name":"北京","country":"CN","path":"北京,北京,中国","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","timezone_offset":"+08:00"}
- * ,"now":{"text":"晴","code":"1","temperature":"10"},"last_update":"2020-04-04T23:10:00+08:00"}
- * ]
- * }
- */
- if(client.find("{")==1)//跳过返回的数据头,直接读取后面的JSON数据
- //if(client.available())
- {
- String json_from_server=client.readStringUntil(']'); //读取返回的JSON数据
- json_from_server = "{"+json_from_server+"]}]}";
- Serial.println(json_from_server);
- parseUserData(json_from_server); //将读取的JSON数据,传送到JSON解析函数中进行显示。
- }
- else
- {
- Serial.println("Not find.");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Serial.println("connection failed this time");
- delay(500); //请求失败等5秒
- }
- client.stop(); //关闭HTTP客户端,采用HTTP短链接,数据请求完毕后要客户端要主动断开
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // JOSN解析函数
- //####################################################################################################
- void parseUserData(String content){ // Json数据解析并串口打印.可参考https://www.bilibili.com/video/av65322772
- int weather_num[2];
- const size_t capacity = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(1) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + 2*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(3) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(6) + 210;
- DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer(1660);
- JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(content);
- JsonObject& results_0 = root["results"][0];
- JsonObject& results_daily0 = results_0["daily"][0];
- JsonObject& results_daily1 = results_0["daily"][1];
- JsonObject& results_daily2 = results_0["daily"][2];
- const char* results_0_now_data = results_daily0["date"];//天气时间
- const char* results_0_now_text = results_daily0["text_day"];//天气时间
- const char* results_0_now_code = results_daily0["code_day"];//天气现象数值
- const char* results_1_now_code = results_daily1["code_day"];//天气现象数值
- String high_tem_0= results_daily0["high"];//天气温度最高数值
- String high_tem_1= results_daily1["high"];//天气温度最高数值
- String low_tem_0= results_daily0["low"];//天气温度最低数值
- String low_tem_1= results_daily1["low"];//天气温度最低数值
- String hum= results_daily0["humidity"];//天气湿度数值
- const char* wind_speed0 = results_daily0["wind_speed"];//天气风速数值
- const char* wind_speed1 = results_daily1["wind_speed"];//天气风速数值
- const char* rain= results_daily0["rainfall"];//天气降雨量数值
- //atoi()函数将字符转换为数字
- weather_num[0] = atoi(results_0_now_code);
- weather_num[1] = atoi(results_1_now_code);
- /*Serial.println(results_0_now_code); //通过串口打印出需要的信息
- Serial.println(results_1_now_code);
- Serial.println(results_2_now_code);
- Serial.print("\r\n");*/
- drawSdJpeg(0,0,0,3);//加载主页面
- tft_showstring(10,70,1,results_0_now_data);//显示今日日期
- drawSdJpeg(weather_num[0],25,25,1);//加载今天天气
- drawSdJpeg(weather_num[1],20,102,4);//加载明天天气
- tft_showstring(100,20,1,low_tem_0+"-"+high_tem_0+"C");//显示今日温度
- tft_showstring(100,33,1,wind_speed0);//显示今日风速
- tft_showstring(100,46,1,hum+"%");//显示今日湿度
- tft_showstring(110,59,1,rain);//显示今日降雨量
- tft_showstring(100,102,1,low_tem_1+"-"+high_tem_1+"C");//显示明日温度
- tft_showstring(100,116,1,wind_speed1);//显示明日风速
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 显示数字
- //####################################################################################################
- void tft_showstring(int x,int y,int c,String z){
- tft.setCursor(x, y, c);
- tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK,TFT_WHITE);
- tft.println(z);
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 控制显示
- //####################################################################################################
- void jpg_draw(int bmp_screen_num){
- //tft.setRotation(2); //设置旋转
- tft.fillScreen(0x0000);//背景颜色
- drawSdJpeg(bmp_screen_num,0,0,0); // This draws a jpeg pulled off the SD Card
- //delay(5000);
- }
- /*******************开机画面****************/
- int image_num = 1;
- void magic() {
- //播放magic,共128帧,每秒30帧
- while(image_num<=128)
- {
- drawSdJpeg(image_num, 0, 0, 2); // This draws a jpeg pulled off the SD Card
- image_num=image_num+1;
- }
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- //读取SD卡图片
- //####################################################################################################
- void drawSdJpeg(int bmp_screen_num, int xpos, int ypos,int mode_pic) {
- char filename1[18];
- int mode_ = 0;
- switch(mode_pic){
- case 0://加载照片
- //filename = "/loge"+String(bmp_screen_num)+".jpg";
- sprintf(filename1,"/loge%d.jpg",bmp_screen_num);
- mode_ =1;
- break;
- case 1://加载64x64天气图片
- //filename = "/img/64x64/"+String(bmp_screen_num)+".jpg";//重定向文件
- sprintf(filename1,"/img/64x64/%d.jpg",bmp_screen_num);
- break;
- case 2://开机画面
- //filename = "/magic/"+String(bmp_screen_num)+".jpg";
- sprintf(filename1,"/magic/%d.jpg",bmp_screen_num);
- break;
- case 3://加载天气主页面图片
- //filename = "/main.jpg";//重定向文件
- sprintf(filename1,"/main.jpg",bmp_screen_num);
- break;
- case 4://加载40x40天气图片
- //filename = "/img/40x40/"+String(bmp_screen_num)+".jpg";//重定向文件
- sprintf(filename1,"/img/40x40/%d.jpg",bmp_screen_num);
- break;
- case 5://WIFI连接
- //filename = "/wifi/"+String(bmp_screen_num)+".jpg";//重定向文件
- sprintf(filename1,"/wifi/%d.jpg",bmp_screen_num);
- break;
- }
- const char *filename = filename1;
- File jpegFile = SD.open(filename1,FILE_READ); // or, file handle reference for SD library
- if ( !jpegFile ) {
- Serial.print("ERROR: File ""); Serial.print(filename); Serial.println ("" not found!");
- return;
- }
- Serial.println("===========================");
- Serial.print("Drawing file: "); Serial.println(filename);
- Serial.println("===========================");
- // Use one of the following methods to initialise the decoder:
- boolean decoded = JpegDec.decodeSdFile(jpegFile); // Pass the SD file handle to the decoder,
- //boolean decoded = JpegDec.decodeSdFile(filename); // or pass the filename (String or character array)
- if (decoded) {
- // print information about the image to the serial port
- jpegInfo();
- // render the image onto the screen at given coordinates
- jpegRender(xpos, ypos,mode_);
- }
- else {
- Serial.println("Jpeg file format not supported!");
- }
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 在TFT上绘图片
- //####################################################################################################
- void jpegRender(int xpos, int ypos,int mode_) {
- //jpegInfo(); // Print information from the JPEG file (could comment this line out)
- uint16_t *pImg;
- uint32_t mcu_w = JpegDec.MCUWidth;
- uint32_t mcu_h = JpegDec.MCUHeight;
- uint32_t max_x = JpegDec.width;
- uint32_t max_y = JpegDec.height;
- //调整选转角度并且居中显示
- if(mode_ == 1)
- {
- if(max_x > max_y)
- {
- tft.setRotation(1);
- xpos = (128-max_x)/2; //居中显示
- ypos = (128-max_y)/2; //居中显示
- if(xpos < 0 ||xpos > 128)
- xpos = 0;
- if(ypos < 0 || ypos >128)
- ypos = 0;
- }
- else if(max_x <= max_y)
- {
- tft.setRotation(2);
- xpos = (128-max_x)/2; //居中显示
- ypos = (128-max_y)/2; //居中显示
- if(xpos < 0 ||xpos > 128)
- xpos = 0;
- if(ypos < 0 || ypos >128)
- ypos = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tft.setRotation(2);
- }
- bool swapBytes = tft.getSwapBytes();
- tft.setSwapBytes(true);
- // Jpeg images are draw as a set of image block (tiles) called Minimum Coding Units (MCUs)
- // Typically these MCUs are 16x16 pixel blocks
- // Determine the width and height of the right and bottom edge image blocks
- uint32_t min_w = min(mcu_w, max_x % mcu_w);
- uint32_t min_h = min(mcu_h, max_y % mcu_h);
- // save the current image block size
- uint32_t win_w = mcu_w;
- uint32_t win_h = mcu_h;
- // record the current time so we can measure how long it takes to draw an image
- uint32_t drawTime = millis();
- // save the coordinate of the right and bottom edges to assist image cropping
- // to the screen size
- max_x += xpos;
- max_y += ypos;
- // Fetch data from the file, decode and display
- while (JpegDec.read()) { // While there is more data in the file
- pImg = JpegDec.pImage ; // Decode a MCU (Minimum Coding Unit, typically a 8x8 or 16x16 pixel block)
- // Calculate coordinates of top left corner of current MCU
- int mcu_x = JpegDec.MCUx * mcu_w + xpos;
- int mcu_y = JpegDec.MCUy * mcu_h + ypos;
- // check if the image block size needs to be changed for the right edge
- if (mcu_x + mcu_w <= max_x) win_w = mcu_w;
- else win_w = min_w;
- // check if the image block size needs to be changed for the bottom edge
- if (mcu_y + mcu_h <= max_y) win_h = mcu_h;
- else win_h = min_h;
- // copy pixels into a contiguous block
- if (win_w != mcu_w)
- {
- uint16_t *cImg;
- int p = 0;
- cImg = pImg + win_w;
- for (int h = 1; h < win_h; h++)
- {
- p += mcu_w;
- for (int w = 0; w < win_w; w++)
- {
- *cImg = *(pImg + w + p);
- cImg++;
- }
- }
- }
- // calculate how many pixels must be drawn
- uint32_t mcu_pixels = win_w * win_h;
- // draw image MCU block only if it will fit on the screen
- if (( mcu_x + win_w ) <= tft.width() && ( mcu_y + win_h ) <= tft.height())
- tft.pushImage(mcu_x, mcu_y, win_w, win_h, pImg);
- else if ( (mcu_y + win_h) >= tft.height())
- JpegDec.abort(); // Image has run off bottom of screen so abort decoding
- }
- tft.setSwapBytes(swapBytes);
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 打印TFT上图片信息
- //####################################################################################################
- void jpegInfo() {
- // Print information extracted from the JPEG file
- Serial.println("JPEG image info");
- Serial.println("===============");
- Serial.print("Width :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.width);
- Serial.print("Height :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.height);
- Serial.print("Components :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.comps);
- Serial.print("MCU / row :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUSPerRow);
- Serial.print("MCU / col :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUSPerCol);
- Serial.print("Scan type :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.scanType);
- Serial.print("MCU width :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUWidth);
- Serial.print("MCU height :");
- Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUHeight);
- Serial.println("===============");
- Serial.println("");
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 将上传的文件发送回SD卡
- //####################################################################################################
- bool handleFileRead(String path){
- int upload_ = tft_num - 1;
- if(upload_<0)
- upload_ = 0;
- path = "/loge"+String(upload_)+".jpg";//上传JPG文件
- Serial.println("handleFileRead: " + path);
- if(path.endsWith("/")) path += "index.htm";
- String contentType = getContentType(path);
- String pathWithGz = path + ".gz";
- if(SD.exists(pathWithGz) || SD.exists(path)){
- if(SD.exists(pathWithGz))
- path += ".gz";
- File file = SD.open(path, "r");
- size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, contentType);
- file.close();
- upload_flag = false;//完成一次写入
- return true;
- }
- upload_flag = false;//完成一次写入
- return false;
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 文件上传SD卡
- //####################################################################################################
- void handleFileUpload(){//网络服务处理函数
- upload_flag = true;//正在进行上传
- if(server.uri() != "/") return;
- HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload();
- String filename;
- char *file_sd;
- if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START){//开启下载上传的文件
- filename = upload.filename;
- if(!filename.startsWith("/"))
- {
- filename = "/loge"+String(tft_num)+".jpg";//如果文件开头没有/则添加/ 并且对该图片添加计数尾缀
- tft_num++;//文件数+1
- EEPROM.write(20,tft_num);//将数据保存
- EEPROM.commit();
- }
- Serial.print("handleFileUpload Name: "); Serial.println(filename);//打印文件名
- SD.remove(filename);
- fsUploadFile = SD.open(filename, "w");//将上传的文件保存
- filename = String();
- } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE){
- if(fsUploadFile)
- fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize);//将上传文件写入SD卡
- } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END){
- if(fsUploadFile)
- fsUploadFile.close();
- }
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 加载网页
- //####################################################################################################
- void handleRoot(){
- upload_flag = true;//进入上传就绪状态(打开了网页)
- server.send(200, "text/html", mainPageString);
- server.client().stop();
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 上传完成函数
- //####################################################################################################
- void uplaodFinish(){
- server.send(200, "text/html", uploadString);//重新发送网页
- upload_flag = true;//上传完成,但是网页回复仍未完成
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 限幅函数
- //####################################################################################################
- uint8_t limit(){
- if(flag_pic >= tft_num)
- {
- flag_pic = flag_pic - tft_num;
- }
- else if(flag_pic < 0)
- {
- flag_pic = flag_pic + tft_num;
- }
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 文件格式获取
- //####################################################################################################
- String getContentType(String filename){
- if(server.hasArg("download")) return "application/octet-stream";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".htm")) return "text/html";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".html")) return "text/html";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".css")) return "text/css";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".js")) return "application/javascript";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".png")) return "image/png";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".gif")) return "image/gif";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".jpg")) return "image/jpeg";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".ico")) return "image/x-icon";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".xml")) return "text/xml";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".pdf")) return "application/x-pdf";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".zip")) return "application/x-zip";
- else if(filename.endsWith(".gz")) return "application/x-gzip";
- return "text/plain";
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 初始化函数
- //####################################################################################################
- void setup() {
- mpu6050_setup();
- SD_setup();
- TFT_setup();
- magic();
- WIFI_setup();
- client.setTimeout(5000);//设置天气服务器连接超时时间
- EEPROM.begin(512);
- tft_num = EEPROM.read(20);
- Serial.print("the tft number is");Serial.println(tft_num);
- WEB_setup();
- }
- //####################################################################################################
- // 主循环
- //####################################################################################################
- void loop(){
- if(upload_flag == false)
- {
- if(flag_finsh == 0)//页面未加载
- {
- switch(flag_page % 2)
- {
- case 0://天气界面
- {
- flag_finsh = 1;//完成加载
- weather_api();
- }
- break;
- case 1://照片界面
- {
- flag_finsh = 1;//完成加载
- limit();//形成循环
- jpg_draw(flag_pic);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else if(flag_finsh == 1)//页面已加载,进入扫描 和网络服务处理
- {
- mpu_update(100);
- server.handleClient();
- flag_finsh =0;
- }
- }
- if(upload_flag == true)//防止未上传超时
- {
- t++;
- delay(5);
- server.handleClient();//上传图片服务处理
- }
- else
- {
- t=0;
- }
- if(t > 6000)
- {
- upload_flag = false;
- t = 0;
- }
- Serial.print(t);
- }