本帖最后由 嘎嘣脆ovo 于 2021-1-15 10:46 编辑
加湿器是一个微动开关,联通电源后,一定要按一次加湿按钮,才能工作。再按一次 防误操作无响应,接着再按一次,才能停止工作。
- //小爱电源类操作的回调函数:当小爱同学向设备发起控制, 设备端需要有对应控制处理函数
- void miotPowerState(const String & state)
- {
- BLINKER_LOG("need set power state: ", state);
- if (state == BLINKER_CMD_OFF)
- {
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, HIGH);
- delay(300);
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, LOW);
- delay(300);
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, HIGH);
- delay(1000);
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, LOW);
- BlinkerMIOT.powerState("off");
- BlinkerMIOT.print();
- }
- else if (state == BLINKER_CMD_ON)
- {
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, HIGH);
- delay(1000);
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, LOW);
- BlinkerMIOT.powerState("on");
- BlinkerMIOT.print();
- }
- }
已解决,直接上代码:- /* *****************************************************************
- Download latest Blinker library here:
- https://github.com/blinker-iot/blinker-library/archive/master.zip
- Blinker is a cross-hardware, cross-platform solution for the IoT.
- It provides APP, device and server support,
- and uses public cloud services for data transmission and storage.
- It can be used in smart home, data monitoring and other fields
- to help users build Internet of Things projects better and faster.
- Make sure installed 2.7.4 or later ESP8266/Arduino package,
- if use ESP8266 with Blinker.
- https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/releases
- Make sure installed 1.0.4 or later ESP32/Arduino package,
- if use ESP32 with Blinker.
- https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/releases
- Docs: https://diandeng.tech/doc
- * *****************************************************************
- Blinker 库下载地址:
- https://github.com/blinker-iot/blinker-library/archive/master.zip
- Blinker 是一套跨硬件、跨平台的物联网解决方案,提供APP端、设备端、
- 服务器端支持,使用公有云服务进行数据传输存储。可用于智能家居、
- 数据监测等领域,可以帮助用户更好更快地搭建物联网项目。
- 如果使用 ESP8266 接入 Blinker,
- 请确保安装了 2.7.4 或更新的 ESP8266/Arduino 支持包。
- https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/releases
- 如果使用 ESP32 接入 Blinker,
- 请确保安装了 1.0.4 或更新的 ESP32/Arduino 支持包。
- https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/releases
- 文档: https://diandeng.tech/doc
- * *****************************************************************/
- //小爱模拟微动开关,控制家电
- #define BLINKER_WIFI
- #include <Blinker.h>
- char auth[] = "********";//你的点灯科技中分配的唯一key
- char ssid[] = "********";//你的WiFi名称
- char pswd[] = "********";//你的WiFi密码
- bool oState = false;
- #define jiashiqi 12 //定义使用的引脚
- int nSignalState = 0;
- unsigned long lSignalSovleStartTimer = 0;
- long GetTickCount()
- {
- return millis();
- }
- //小爱电源类操作的回调函数:当小爱同学向设备发起控制, 设备端需要有对应控制处理函数
- void miotPowerState(const String & state)
- {
- BLINKER_LOG("need set power state: ", state);
- if (state == BLINKER_CMD_OFF)
- {
- nSignalState = 1;
- BlinkerMIOT.powerState("off");
- BlinkerMIOT.print();
- }
- else if (state == BLINKER_CMD_ON)
- {
- nSignalState = 2;
- BlinkerMIOT.powerState("on");
- BlinkerMIOT.print();
- }
- }
- void setup() {
- // 初始化串口,并开启调试信息,调试用可以删除
- Serial.begin(115200);
- BLINKER_DEBUG.stream(Serial);
- // 初始化IO
- pinMode(jiashiqi, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, LOW);
- // 初始化blinker
- Blinker.begin(auth, ssid, pswd);
- // Button1.attach(button1_callback);
- //小爱同学务必在回调函数中反馈该控制状态
- BlinkerMIOT.attachPowerState(miotPowerState);//注册回调函数
- }
- void loop() {
- if (nSignalState == 1) {
- if (lSignalSovleStartTimer == 0) {
- //设置拉高
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, HIGH);
- lSignalSovleStartTimer = GetTickCount();
- }
- else if ((GetTickCount() - lSignalSovleStartTimer) > 500) {
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, LOW);
- nSignalState = 0;
- lSignalSovleStartTimer = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (nSignalState == 2) {
- if (lSignalSovleStartTimer == 0) {
- //设置拉高
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, HIGH);
- lSignalSovleStartTimer = GetTickCount();
- }
- else if ((GetTickCount() - lSignalSovleStartTimer) > 500) {
- digitalWrite(jiashiqi, LOW);
- nSignalState = 0;
- lSignalSovleStartTimer = 0;
- }
- }
- Blinker.run();
- }