本帖最后由 珜羽 于 2012-5-17 01:56 编辑#include <reg51.H>#include <intrins.h> sbit lcd_sclk = P3 ^ 2; /*接口定义:lcd_sclk就是LCD的sclk*/sbit lcd_sid = P3 ^ 1; /*接口定义:lcd_sid就是LCD的sid*/sbit lcd_rs = P3 ^ 0; /*接口定义:lcd_rs就是LCD的rs*/sbit lcd_reset = P1 ^ 0; /*接口定义:lcd_reset就是LCD的reset*/sbit lcd_cs1 = P1 ^ 1; /*接口定义:lcd_cs1就是LCD的cs1*/ sbit Rom_IN = P1 ^ 2; /*字库IC接口定义:Rom_IN就是字库IC的SI*/sbit Rom_OUT = P1 ^ 3; /*字库IC接口定义:Rom_OUT就是字库IC的SO*/sbit Rom_SCK = P1 ^ 4; /*字库IC接口定义:Rom_SCK就是字库IC的SCK*/sbit Rom_CS = P1 ^ 5; /*字库IC接口定义Rom_CS就是字库IC的CS#*/ #define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned int#define ulong unsigned long uchar code jiong1[] = /*--文字:囧--*/{ /*-- 宋体12;此字体下对应的点阵为:宽x高=16x16 --*/ 0x00, 0xFE, 0x82, 0x42, 0xA2, 0x9E, 0x8A, 0x82, 0x86, 0x8A, 0xB2, 0x62, 0x02, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x7F, 0x40, 0x40, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x00}; uchar code lei1[] = /*--文字:畾--*/{ /*-- 宋体12;此字体下对应的点阵为:宽x高=16x16 --*/ 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xBF, 0xA5, 0xA5, 0xA5, 0x3F, 0xA5, 0xA5, 0xA5, 0xBF, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x24, 0x24, 0x3F, 0x24, 0x24, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x24, 0x24, 0x3F, 0x24, 0x24, 0x7F, 0x00}; /*写指令到LCD模块*/voidtransfer_command_lcd(int data1){ char i; lcd_rs = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { lcd_sclk = 0; if(data1 & 0x80) lcd_sid = 1; else lcd_sid = 0; lcd_sclk = 1; data1 = data1 <<= 1; }} /*写数据到LCD模块*/voidtransfer_data_lcd(int data1){ char i; lcd_rs = 1; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { lcd_sclk = 0; if(data1 & 0x80) lcd_sid = 1; else lcd_sid = 0; lcd_sclk = 1; data1 = data1 <<= 1; }} /*延时*/void delay(int i){ int j, k; for(j = 0; j < i; j++) for(k = 0; k < 500; k++);} /*等待一个按键,我的主板是用P2.0与GND之间接一个按键*/void waitkey(){repeat: if (P2 & 0x01) goto repeat; else delay(6); if (P2 & 0x01) goto repeat; else delay(40);;} /*LCD模块初始化*/voidinitial_lcd(){ lcd_cs1 = 0; Rom_CS = 1; lcd_reset = 0; /*低电平复位*/ delay(20); lcd_reset = 1; /*复位完毕*/ delay(20); transfer_command_lcd(0xe2); /*软复位*/ delay(5); transfer_command_lcd(0x2c);/*升压步聚1*/ delay(5); transfer_command_lcd(0x2e);/*升压步聚2*/ delay(5); transfer_command_lcd(0x2f);/*升压步聚3*/ delay(5); transfer_command_lcd(0x23);/*粗调对比度,可设置范围0x20~0x27*/ transfer_command_lcd(0x81);/*微调对比度*/ transfer_command_lcd(0x28);/*0x28,微调对比度的值,可设置范围0x00~0x3f*/ transfer_command_lcd(0xa2);/*1/9偏压比(bias)*/ transfer_command_lcd(0xc8);/*行扫描顺序:从上到下*/ transfer_command_lcd(0xa0);/*列扫描顺序:从左到右*/ transfer_command_lcd(0x40);/*起始行:第一行开始*/ transfer_command_lcd(0xaf);/*开显示*/ lcd_cs1 = 1;} /*全屏清屏*/voidclear_screen(){ unsigned char i, j; lcd_cs1 = 0; Rom_CS = 1; for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) { transfer_command_lcd(0xb0 + i); transfer_command_lcd(0x10); transfer_command_lcd(0x00); for(j = 0; j < 132; j++) { transfer_data_lcd(0x00); } } lcd_cs1 = 1;}/*显示16x16点阵图像、汉字、生僻字或16x16点阵的其他图标*/voiddisplay_graphic_16x16(uint page, uint column, uchar *dp){ uint i, j; uchar page_address; uchar column_address_L, column_address_H; page_address = 0xb0 + page - 1; column_address_L = (column & 0x0f) - 1; column_address_H = ((column >> 4) & 0x0f) + 0x10; lcd_cs1 = 0; Rom_CS = 1; for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) { transfer_command_lcd(page_address + j); /*设置页地址*/ transfer_command_lcd(column_address_H); /*设置列地址的高4位*/ transfer_command_lcd(column_address_L); /*设置列地址的低4位*/ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { transfer_data_lcd(*dp); /*写数据到LCD,每写完一个8位的数据后列地址自动加1*/ dp++; } } lcd_cs1 = 1;} /*显示8x16点阵图像、ASCII, 或8x16点阵的自造字符、其他图标*/voiddisplay_graphic_8x16(uint page, uchar column, uchar *dp){ uint i, j; uchar page_address; uchar column_address_L, column_address_H; lcd_cs1 = 0; page_address = 0xb0 + page - 1; column_address_L = (column & 0x0f) - 1; column_address_H = ((column >> 4) & 0x0f) + 0x10; for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) { transfer_command_lcd(page_address + j); /*设置页地址*/ transfer_command_lcd(column_address_H); /*设置列地址的高4位*/ transfer_command_lcd(column_address_L); /*设置列地址的低4位*/ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { transfer_data_lcd(*dp); /*写数据到LCD,每写完一个8位的数据后列地址自动加1*/ dp++; } } lcd_cs1 = 1;} /*显示5*7点阵图像、ASCII, 或5x7点阵的自造字符、其他图标*/voiddisplay_graphic_5x7(uint page, uchar column, uchar *dp){ uint col_cnt; uchar page_address; uchar column_address_L, column_address_H; page_address = 0xb0 + page - 1; lcd_cs1 = 0; column_address_L = (column & 0x0f) - 1; column_address_H = ((column >> 4) & 0x0f) + 0x10; transfer_command_lcd(page_address); /*Set Page Address*/ transfer_command_lcd(column_address_H); /*Set MSB of column Address*/ transfer_command_lcd(column_address_L); /*Set LSB of column Address*/ for (col_cnt = 0; col_cnt < 8; col_cnt++) { transfer_data_lcd(*dp); dp++; } lcd_cs1 = 1;} /****送指令到晶联讯字库IC***/voidsend_command_to_ROM( uchar datu ){ uchar i; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if(datu & 0x80) Rom_IN = 1; else Rom_IN = 0; datu = datu << 1; Rom_SCK = 0; Rom_SCK = 1; }} /****从晶联讯字库IC中取汉字或字符数据(1个字节)***/static ucharget_data_from_ROM( ){ uchar i; uchar ret_data = 0; Rom_SCK = 1; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Rom_OUT = 1; Rom_SCK = 0; ret_data = ret_data << 1; if( Rom_OUT ) ret_data = ret_data + 1; else ret_data = ret_data + 0; Rom_SCK = 1; } return(ret_data);} /*从相关地址(addrHigh:地址高字节,addrMid:地址中字节,addrLow:地址低字节)中连续读出DataLen个字节的数据到 pBuff的地址*//*连续读取*/voidget_n_bytes_data_from_ROM(uchar addrHigh, uchar addrMid, uchar addrLow, uchar *pBuff, uchar DataLen ){ uchar i; Rom_CS = 0; lcd_cs1 = 1; Rom_SCK = 0; send_command_to_ROM(0x03); send_command_to_ROM(addrHigh); send_command_to_ROM(addrMid); send_command_to_ROM(addrLow); for(i = 0; i < DataLen; i++ ) *(pBuff + i) = get_data_from_ROM(); Rom_CS = 1;} /******************************************************************/ ulongfontaddr = 0;voiddisplay_GB2312_string(uchar y, uchar x, uchar *text){ uchar i = 0; uchar addrHigh, addrMid, addrLow ; uchar fontbuf[32]; while((text[i] > 0x00)) { if(((text[i] >= 0xb0) && (text[i] < 0xf7)) && (text[i+1] >= 0xa1)) { /*国标简体(GB2312)汉字在高通字库IC中的地址由以下公式来计算:*/ /*Address = ((MSB - 0xB0) * 94 + (LSB- 0xA1)+ 846)*32+ BaseAdd;BaseAdd=0*/ /*由于担心8位单片机有乘法溢出问题,所以分三部取地址*/ fontaddr = (text[i] - 0xb0) * 94; fontaddr += (text[i+1] - 0xa1) + 846; fontaddr = (ulong)(fontaddr * 32); addrHigh = (fontaddr & 0xff0000) >> 16; /*地址的高8位,共24位*/ addrMid = (fontaddr & 0xff00) >> 8;/*地址的中8位,共24位*/ addrLow = fontaddr & 0xff; /*地址的低8位,共24位*/ get_n_bytes_data_from_ROM(addrHigh, addrMid, addrLow, fontbuf, 32 ); /*取32个字节的数据,存到"fontbuf"*/ display_graphic_16x16(y, x, fontbuf); /*显示汉字到LCD上,y为页地址,x为列地址,fontbuf[]为数据*/ i += 2; x += 16; } else if((text[i] >= 0x20) && (text[i] <= 0x7e)) { unsigned char fontbuf[16]; fontaddr = (text[i] - 0x20); fontaddr = (unsigned long)(fontaddr * 16); fontaddr = (unsigned long)(fontaddr + 0x3b7c0); addrHigh = (fontaddr & 0xff0000) >> 16; addrMid = (fontaddr & 0xff00) >> 8; addrLow = fontaddr & 0xff; get_n_bytes_data_from_ROM(addrHigh, addrMid, addrLow, fontbuf, 16 ); /*取16个字节的数据,存到"fontbuf"*/ display_graphic_8x16(y, x, fontbuf); /*显示8x16的ASCII字到LCD上,y为页地址,x为列地址,fontbuf[]为数据*/ i += 1; x += 8; } else i++; } } voiddisplay_string_5x7(uchar y, uchar x, uchar *text){ unsigned char i = 0; unsigned char addrHigh, addrMid, addrLow ; while((text[i] > 0x00)) { if((text[i] >= 0x20) && (text[i] <= 0x7e)) { unsigned char fontbuf[8]; fontaddr = (text[i] - 0x20); fontaddr = (unsigned long)(fontaddr * 8); fontaddr = (unsigned long)(fontaddr + 0x3bfc0); addrHigh = (fontaddr & 0xff0000) >> 16; addrMid = (fontaddr & 0xff00) >> 8; addrLow = fontaddr & 0xff; get_n_bytes_data_from_ROM(addrHigh, addrMid, addrLow, fontbuf, 8); /*取8个字节的数据,存到"fontbuf"*/ display_graphic_5x7(y, x, fontbuf); /*显示5x7的ASCII字到LCD上,y为页地址,x为列地址,fontbuf[]为数据*/ i += 1; x += 8; } else i++; } }//===============main program===================void main(void){ Rom_CS = 1; initial_lcd(); while(1) { clear_screen(); //clear all dots Rom_SCK = 0; display_GB2312_string(1, 1, "12864,带中文字库"); /*在第1页,第1列,显示一串16x16点阵汉字或8x16的ASCII字*/ Rom_SCK = 0; display_GB2312_string(3, 1, "16X16简体汉字库,"); /*在第3页,第1列,显示一串16x16点阵汉字或8x16的ASCII字.以下雷同*/ Rom_SCK = 0; display_GB2312_string(5, 1, "或8X16点阵ASCII,"); Rom_SCK = 0; display_GB2312_string(7, 1, "或5X7点阵ASCII码"); waitkey(); clear_screen(); Rom_SCK = 0; display_GB2312_string(1, 1, "GB2312简体字库及"); display_GB2312_string(3, 1, "有图型功能,可自"); display_GB2312_string(5, 1, "编大字或图像或生"); display_GB2312_string(7, 1, "僻字,例如:囧"); display_graphic_16x16(7, 81, jiong1); /*在第7页,第81列显示单个自编生僻汉字“囧”*/ display_graphic_16x16(7, 97, lei1); /*在第7页,第97列显示单个自编生僻汉字"畾“*/ waitkey(); clear_screen(); display_GB2312_string(1, 1, "<!@#$%^&*()_-+\/");/*在第1页,第1列,显示一串16x16点阵汉字或8*16的ASCII字*/ display_string_5x7(3, 1, "<!@#$%^&*()_-+\/"); /*在第3页,第1列,显示一串5x7点阵的ASCII字*/ display_string_5x7(4, 1, "JLXELECTRONICS "); display_string_5x7(5, 1, "CO.,LTD.estab- "); display_string_5x7(6, 1, "lished atyear"); display_string_5x7(7, 1, "2004.focusLCM"); display_string_5x7(8, 1, "755-29784961-809"); waitkey(); }} 代码完成后用CoolFormatydmgsh对代码进行格式化。修改缩进,排版,是代码美观一些。
然后打开复制,论坛发帖是有从word复制的功能。贴在里面就OK了。 #include <iostream>
void show(){
std::cout<<"hello world";
int main(){
没搞清楚楼主的目的是什么!!!!! 这好像是单片机写LCD的C语言程序。
没搞清楚楼主的目的是什么!!!!! 路过,Arduino IDE能实现这样的高亮显示就好了。