关于我的blinker共享出去的设备是离线的-Arduino中文社区 - Powered by Discuz! Archiver

xiaodeme 发表于 2021-10-27 00:58


0:40:41.992 -> ⸮t⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮:⸮,t⸮
00:40:42.072 ->
00:40:42.072 ->__       __                __
00:40:42.112 -> /\ \   /\ \    __      /\ \            v0.3.80210527
00:40:42.194 -> \ \ \___ \ \ \/\_\    ___\ \ \/'\      __   _ __   
00:40:42.234 ->\ \ '__`\\ \ \ \/\ \ /' _ `\ \ , <    /'__`\/\`'__\
00:40:42.275 ->   \ \ \L\ \\ \ \_\ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \\`\ /\__/\ \ \./
00:40:42.355 ->    \ \_,__/ \ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____\\ \_\
00:40:42.395 ->   \/___/   \/__/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/ \/_/
00:40:42.434 ->   To better use blinker with your IoT project!
00:40:42.514 ->   Download latest blinker library here!
00:40:42.555 ->   => https://github.com/blinker-iot/blinker-library
00:40:42.635 ->
00:40:42.635 -> _aliType:
00:40:42.635 -> _duerType:
00:40:42.635 -> _miType:
00:40:42.635 -> _authKey: 4679a95dc936
00:40:42.674 -> Connecting to Xiaomi
00:40:42.715 -> ESP8266_MQTT initialized...
00:40:42.755 ->
00:40:42.795 -> ===========================================================
00:40:42.834 -> ================== Blinker Timer loaded! ==================
00:40:42.875 ->      EEPROM address 1536-2431 is used for Blinker Timer!
00:40:42.955 -> ========= PLEASE AVOID USING THESE EEPROM ADDRESS! ========
00:40:43.030 -> ===========================================================
00:40:43.070 ->
00:40:43.070 -> countdown state: false
00:40:43.110 -> _cdRunState: 0
00:40:43.150 -> _totalTime: 0
00:40:43.150 -> _runTime: 0
00:40:43.187 -> _action:
00:40:43.187 -> loop state: false
00:40:43.227 -> _lpRunState: 0
00:40:43.268 -> _times: 0
00:40:43.268 -> _tri_times: 0
00:40:43.268 -> _time1: 0
00:40:43.308 -> _action1:
00:40:43.308 -> _time2: 0
00:40:43.348 -> _action2:
00:40:43.348 -> _lpData: 0
00:40:43.388 -> checkNum count: 2
00:40:43.428 -> checkNum count: 2
00:40:43.468 -> checkNum count: 3
00:40:43.468 -> checkNum count: 3
00:40:43.468 -> checkNum count: 3
00:40:44.433 -> WiFi Connected.
00:40:44.433 -> IP Address:
00:40:44.473 ->
00:40:44.513 -> begin: http://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/diy/auth?authKey=4679a95dc936&version=0.1.0&protocol=mqtt
00:40:44.633 -> GET... code: 200
00:40:44.674 -> reply was:
00:40:44.674 -> ==============================
00:40:44.722 -> {"detail": {"broker": "aliyun", "deviceName": "5A1C99D51VYP|securemode=3,signmethod=hmacsha1|", "host": "mqtt://public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com", "iotId": "5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&JgCGbHlndgz", "iotToken": "e825ca2e4b67535b7e3bb06359adc86ec426a948", "port": "1883", "productKey": "JgCGbHlndgz", "uuid": "5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254"}, "message": 1000}
00:40:45.081 -> ==============================
00:40:45.121 -> _num: 4
00:40:45.162 -> ====================
00:40:45.242 -> MQTT_PRODUCTINFO_MQTT: JgCGbHlndgz
00:40:45.282 -> MQTT_ID_MQTT: 5A1C99D51VYP|securemode=3,signmethod=hmacsha1|
00:40:45.362 -> MQTT_NAME_MQTT: 5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&JgCGbHlndgz
00:40:45.442 -> MQTT_KEY_MQTT: e825ca2e4b67535b7e3bb06359adc86ec426a948
00:40:45.482 -> MQTT_BROKER: aliyun
00:40:45.482 -> HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com
00:40:45.562 -> PORT: 1883
00:40:45.601 -> HOST: public.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com
00:40:45.682 -> PORT: 1883
00:40:45.682 -> UUID_MQTT: 5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254
00:40:45.722 -> ====================
00:40:45.722 -> BLINKER_PUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC/s
00:40:45.846 -> BLINKER_SUB_TOPIC_MQTT: /JgCGbHlndgz/5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC/r
00:40:45.886 -> Freeheap: 35072
00:40:45.926 -> mDNS responder started
00:40:45.967 -> webSocket_MQTT server started
00:40:46.007 -> ws://5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC.local:81
00:40:59.930 -> Current time: Tue Oct 26 16:40:59 2021
00:40:59.970 ->
00:40:59.970 -> NTP time: 1635237659
00:41:00.010 -> ==== needInit ====
00:41:00.050 -> message: /share/device?deviceName=5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&key=4679a95dc936
00:41:00.130 -> blinker server begin
00:41:00.130 -> Freeheap: 35528
00:41:00.167 -> HTTPS begin: http://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/share/device?deviceName=5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&key=4679a95dc936
00:41:00.289 -> HTTPS payload: /share/device?deviceName=5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&key=4679a95dc936
00:41:00.409 -> status... code: 200
00:41:00.449 -> {"detail": {"users": ["507014e853de11eb81bb5254", "741d07f535a811ec8d505254"]}, "message": 1000}
00:41:00.569 -> _type: 16
00:41:00.569 -> payload: {"users":["507014e853de11eb81bb5254","741d07f535a811ec8d505254"]}
00:41:00.689 -> sharers data: {"users":["507014e853de11eb81bb5254","741d07f535a811ec8d505254"]}
00:41:00.769 -> sharer uuid: 507014e853de11eb81bb5254, length: 24
00:41:00.803 -> sharer uuid: 741d07f535a811ec8d505254, length: 24
00:41:00.883 -> load timing
00:41:00.923 -> load timing taskCount: 0
00:41:00.923 -> freshTiming wDay: 3, nowMins: 41, nowSeconds: 2460
00:41:01.004 -> nextTask: 10apartSeconds: 83940 wDay: 3
00:41:01.084 -> cbackData: 10
00:41:01.084 -> change apartSeconds: 3600
00:41:01.124 -> millis: 19072, connect_time: 17911
00:41:01.164 -> MQTT conn init success
00:41:01.204 -> =======================================================
00:41:01.284 -> =========== Blinker Auto Control mode init! ===========
00:41:01.357 ->       EEPROM address 0-1279 is used for Auto Control!
00:41:01.397 -> ======= PLEASE AVOID USING THESE EEPROM ADDRESS! ======
00:41:01.477 -> =======================================================
00:41:01.558 -> _______autoStart_______
00:41:01.558 -> _aCount: 1
00:41:01.558 -> new BlinkerAUTO() _num: 0
00:41:01.638 -> _haveAuto: 0
00:41:01.638 -> _autoState: 0
00:41:01.678 -> _logicType: 0
00:41:01.718 -> _compareType: 0
00:41:01.718 -> Connecting to MQTT...
00:41:01.758 -> reconnect_time: 0
00:41:01.798 -> MQTT Connected!
00:41:01.798 -> Freeheap: 35048
00:41:31.802 -> MQTT Ping!
00:41:31.802 -> Freeheap: 35184
00:42:02.360 -> MQTT Ping!
00:42:02.360 -> Freeheap: 35184
00:42:32.909 -> MQTT Ping!
00:42:32.909 -> Freeheap: 35184
00:43:03.471 -> MQTT Ping!
00:43:03.471 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:43:33.996 -> MQTT Ping!
00:43:33.996 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:44:04.558 -> MQTT Ping!
00:44:04.558 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:44:35.097 -> MQTT Ping!
00:44:35.097 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:45:05.633 -> MQTT Ping!
00:45:05.633 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:45:36.171 -> MQTT Ping!
00:45:36.171 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:46:06.712 -> MQTT Ping!
00:46:06.712 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:46:37.296 -> MQTT Ping!
00:46:37.296 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:47:07.832 -> MQTT Ping!
00:47:07.832 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:47:38.360 -> MQTT Ping!
00:47:38.360 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:48:08.920 -> MQTT Ping!
00:48:08.920 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:48:30.272 -> Got: {"deviceType":"DiyArduino","data":{"get":"state"},"fromDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","toDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC"}
00:48:30.392 -> data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:30.433 -> fromDevice: 5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254
00:48:30.433 -> Authority uuid
00:48:30.474 -> available: 1
00:48:30.514 -> checkAvail: 1
00:48:30.555 -> parse data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:30.595 -> defined BLINKER_ARDUINOJSON
00:48:30.635 -> autoManager begin: 0 0
00:48:30.635 -> get_key: null
00:48:30.675 -> autoFormatData key: state, json: "state":"online"
00:48:30.756 -> new.
00:48:30.756 -> timer codes: 000
00:48:30.795 -> autoFormatData key: timer, json: "timer":"000"
00:48:30.835 -> add.
00:48:30.835 -> autoFormatData key: version, json: "version":"0.1.0"
00:48:30.916 -> add.
00:48:30.956 -> print: {"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"}
00:48:31.035 -> Proto print...
00:48:31.035 -> Freeheap: 33480
00:48:31.035 -> isJson: {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:31.235 -> MQTT Publish...
00:48:31.276 -> Freeheap: 33480
00:48:31.315 -> {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:31.476 -> ...OK!
00:48:31.516 -> Freeheap: 32832
00:48:31.516 -> Freeheap: 33864
00:48:31.556 -> heartBeat isParsed 1
00:48:31.596 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:31.638 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:31.638 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:31.678 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:31.718 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:31.718 -> _fresh need flush
00:48:31.758 -> isParsed
00:48:31.798 -> flush
00:48:32.403 -> Got: {"deviceType":"DiyArduino","data":{"get":"state"},"fromDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","toDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC"}
00:48:32.525 -> data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:32.564 -> fromDevice: 5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254
00:48:32.605 -> Authority uuid
00:48:32.645 -> available: 1
00:48:32.684 -> checkAvail: 1
00:48:32.684 -> parse data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:32.725 -> defined BLINKER_ARDUINOJSON
00:48:32.765 -> autoManager begin: 0 0
00:48:32.805 -> get_key: null
00:48:32.845 -> autoFormatData key: state, json: "state":"online"
00:48:32.885 -> new.
00:48:32.885 -> timer codes: 000
00:48:32.925 -> autoFormatData key: timer, json: "timer":"000"
00:48:33.005 -> add.
00:48:33.005 -> autoFormatData key: version, json: "version":"0.1.0"
00:48:33.084 -> add.
00:48:33.084 -> print: {"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"}
00:48:33.158 -> Proto print...
00:48:33.198 -> Freeheap: 32832
00:48:33.198 -> isJson: {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:33.399 -> MQTT Publish...
00:48:33.439 -> Freeheap: 32832
00:48:33.481 -> {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:33.642 -> ...OK!
00:48:33.682 -> Freeheap: 32184
00:48:33.682 -> Freeheap: 33216
00:48:33.722 -> heartBeat isParsed 1
00:48:33.722 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:33.762 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:33.802 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:33.843 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:33.883 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:33.883 -> _fresh need flush
00:48:33.923 -> isParsed
00:48:33.923 -> flush
00:48:34.999 -> Got: {"deviceType":"DiyArduino","data":{"get":"state"},"fromDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","toDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC"}
00:48:35.159 -> data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:35.159 -> fromDevice: 5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254
00:48:35.199 -> Authority uuid
00:48:35.239 -> available: 1
00:48:35.279 -> checkAvail: 1
00:48:35.319 -> parse data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:35.359 -> defined BLINKER_ARDUINOJSON
00:48:35.359 -> autoManager begin: 0 0
00:48:35.399 -> get_key: null
00:48:35.440 -> autoFormatData key: state, json: "state":"online"
00:48:35.521 -> new.
00:48:35.521 -> timer codes: 000
00:48:35.561 -> autoFormatData key: timer, json: "timer":"000"
00:48:35.601 -> add.
00:48:35.601 -> autoFormatData key: version, json: "version":"0.1.0"
00:48:35.682 -> add.
00:48:35.722 -> print: {"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"}
00:48:35.762 -> Proto print...
00:48:35.802 -> Freeheap: 33480
00:48:35.802 -> isJson: {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:36.002 -> MQTT Publish...
00:48:36.042 -> Freeheap: 33480
00:48:36.082 -> {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:36.242 -> ...OK!
00:48:36.286 -> Freeheap: 32808
00:48:36.286 -> Freeheap: 33840
00:48:36.326 -> heartBeat isParsed 1
00:48:36.326 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:36.366 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:36.406 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:36.443 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:36.484 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:36.484 -> _fresh need flush
00:48:36.524 -> isParsed
00:48:36.564 -> flush
00:48:36.564 -> Got: {"deviceType":"DiyArduino","data":{"get":"state"},"fromDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","toDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC"}
00:48:36.725 -> data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:36.765 -> fromDevice: 5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254
00:48:36.765 -> Authority uuid
00:48:36.805 -> available: 1
00:48:36.845 -> checkAvail: 1
00:48:36.885 -> parse data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:36.925 -> defined BLINKER_ARDUINOJSON
00:48:36.965 -> autoManager begin: 0 0
00:48:36.965 -> get_key: null
00:48:37.005 -> autoFormatData key: state, json: "state":"online"
00:48:37.085 -> new.
00:48:37.085 -> timer codes: 000
00:48:37.125 -> autoFormatData key: timer, json: "timer":"000"
00:48:37.165 -> add.
00:48:37.165 -> autoFormatData key: version, json: "version":"0.1.0"
00:48:37.245 -> add.
00:48:37.285 -> print: {"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"}
00:48:37.365 -> Proto print...
00:48:37.365 -> Freeheap: 32808
00:48:37.365 -> isJson: {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:37.566 -> MQTT Publish...
00:48:37.607 -> Freeheap: 32808
00:48:37.648 -> {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:37.808 -> ...OK!
00:48:37.808 -> Freeheap: 32136
00:48:37.848 -> Freeheap: 33168
00:48:37.888 -> heartBeat isParsed 1
00:48:37.937 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:37.937 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:37.977 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:38.017 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:38.057 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:38.057 -> _fresh need flush
00:48:38.097 -> isParsed
00:48:38.097 -> flush
00:48:38.097 -> Got: {"deviceType":"DiyArduino","data":{"get":"state"},"fromDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","toDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC"}
00:48:38.297 -> data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:38.297 -> fromDevice: 5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254
00:48:38.338 -> Authority uuid
00:48:38.378 -> available: 1
00:48:38.418 -> checkAvail: 1
00:48:38.458 -> parse data: {"get":"state"}
00:48:38.498 -> defined BLINKER_ARDUINOJSON
00:48:38.498 -> autoManager begin: 0 0
00:48:38.538 -> get_key: null
00:48:38.578 -> autoFormatData key: state, json: "state":"online"
00:48:38.658 -> new.
00:48:38.658 -> timer codes: 000
00:48:38.698 -> autoFormatData key: timer, json: "timer":"000"
00:48:38.738 -> add.
00:48:38.738 -> autoFormatData key: version, json: "version":"0.1.0"
00:48:38.818 -> add.
00:48:38.859 -> print: {"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"}
00:48:38.899 -> Proto print...
00:48:38.939 -> Freeheap: 32136
00:48:38.939 -> isJson: {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:39.139 -> MQTT Publish...
00:48:39.179 -> Freeheap: 32136
00:48:39.219 -> {"data":{"state":"online","timer":"000","version":"0.1.0"},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:39.379 -> ...OK!
00:48:39.379 -> Freeheap: 32136
00:48:39.419 -> Freeheap: 33168
00:48:39.460 -> heartBeat isParsed 1
00:48:39.460 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:39.500 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:39.541 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:39.581 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:39.581 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:39.621 -> _fresh need flush
00:48:39.662 -> isParsed
00:48:39.662 -> flush
00:48:43.729 -> Got: {"deviceType":"DiyArduino","data":{"btn-max":"tap"},"fromDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","toDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC"}
00:48:43.889 -> data: {"btn-max":"tap"}
00:48:43.929 -> fromDevice: 5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254
00:48:43.969 -> Authority uuid
00:48:43.969 -> available: 1
00:48:44.009 -> checkAvail: 1
00:48:44.049 -> parse data: {"btn-max":"tap"}
00:48:44.089 -> defined BLINKER_ARDUINOJSON
00:48:44.129 -> autoManager begin: 0 0
00:48:44.129 -> get_key: null
00:48:44.169 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:44.209 -> strWidgetsParse isParsed
00:48:44.249 -> strWidgetsParse: btn-max
00:48:44.289 -> get button state: 90
00:48:44.329 -> autoFormatData key: vibrate, json: "vibrate":200
00:48:44.369 -> new.
00:48:44.369 -> checkNum count: 2
00:48:44.409 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:44.450 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:44.490 -> checkNum count: 3
00:48:44.530 -> _fresh need flush
00:48:44.530 -> isParsed
00:48:44.530 -> flush
00:48:44.570 -> print: {"vibrate":200}
00:48:44.610 -> Proto print...
00:48:44.650 -> Freeheap: 34536
00:48:44.690 -> isJson: {"data":{"vibrate":200},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:44.813 -> MQTT Publish...
00:48:44.853 -> Freeheap: 34536
00:48:44.893 -> _print_times: 1
00:48:44.893 -> {"data":{"vibrate":200},"fromDevice":"5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC","toDevice":"5a3c9fbd360011ec8e595254","deviceType":"OwnApp"}
00:48:45.054 -> ...OK!
00:48:45.054 -> Freeheap: 33864
00:48:45.094 -> Freeheap: 34896
00:49:14.954 -> MQTT Ping!
00:49:14.954 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:49:45.510 -> MQTT Ping!
00:49:45.510 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:50:16.086 -> MQTT Ping!
00:50:16.086 -> Freeheap: 35568
00:50:42.039 -> message: /heartbeat?deviceName=5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&key=4679a95dc936&heartbeat=600
00:50:42.119 -> blinker server begin
00:50:42.162 -> Freeheap: 35336
00:50:42.162 -> HTTPS begin: http://iot.diandeng.tech/api/v1/user/device/heartbeat?deviceName=5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&key=4679a95dc936&heartbeat=600
00:50:42.343 -> HTTPS payload: /heartbeat?deviceName=5A1C99D51VYPJD1FLCBMQ9EC&key=4679a95dc936&heartbeat=600
00:50:42.437 -> status... code: 200
00:50:42.484 -> {"detail": "", "message": 1000}
00:50:42.531 -> _type: 23
00:50:42.531 -> payload: null
00:50:46.609 -> MQTT Ping!
00:50:46.609 -> Freeheap: 35376
00:51:17.173 -> MQTT Ping!
00:51:17.173 -> Freeheap: 35376
00:51:47.725 -> MQTT Ping!
00:51:47.725 -> Freeheap: 35376
00:52:18.277 -> MQTT Ping!
00:52:18.277 -> Freeheap: 35376

xiaodeme 发表于 2021-10-27 00:59


宇之枫海云 发表于 2021-10-30 12:25


点灯官方 发表于 2021-11-2 11:10

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 关于我的blinker共享出去的设备是离线的